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Everything posted by MoonAgain

  1. tough to choose but i’m going with ultra
  2. but lfl aside, jack's production isn't reaching ultra/honeymoon levels of buildup and delivery imo i love love love the production on groupie love, love, heroin, and coachella (maybe not the entire song but the last minute and a half or so is gorgeous)
  3. does anyone else feel like jack's production kind of ...leaves you hanging? i noticed it in mac and now in season of the witch...it's like something's building and i'm waiting for a tempo change or for louder instruments to kick in and it never happens
  4. WTWWAW is so boring even hearing it live didn’t make me like it
  5. Same tbh I actually like the “whatever’s on tonight” lyric...Idk just like the way she sings it.
  6. How are people not thrilled that it actually got some production...I went from not being interested at all to really looking forward to it
  7. TNBAR sounds great omg i was so worried it'd get the piano treatment
  8. if i remember correctly it took a little while...if you don't love anything up right now i'd hold off and wait to see if we're getting anything else
  9. VB has its moments but i was worried that hope was more representative of the rest of the album
  10. king rick coming to save the production? excitement just grew 10x
  11. NY isn't that far...show me a setlist that doesn't include SS or change and i'll CONSIDER it
  12. it makes a world of difference...this is a concept
  13. ok so i actually think the cover has potential...photoshop people you're up! edit out and replace that comic book font
  14. ok tracklist look great but why does her head look photoshopped on
  15. an insta feature that notifies you of whether or not lana’s latest post is related to nfr so you don’t get your hopes up
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