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Everything posted by MoonAgain

  1. MoonAgain

    Charli XCX

    momentarily forgot about N1A - i liked the visuals for that too. the no angel cover is cute too. i'm just overall not into the slime/chrome thing lol
  2. MoonAgain

    Charli XCX

    i really liked the concept art for xcxworld, her newer imagery not so much (at all)
  3. you know how when you smell certain smells you're immediately taken back to specific times in your life? this album is the aural version of that
  4. i saw someone claim that distributors were refusing to stock the album because of the explicitness of the title - idk if it's a reliable source or what the precedent for that kind of thing is but i guess it's possible
  5. yeah but honeymoon had rich production and some songs were more uptempo
  6. anyone else still thinking about how she said hope took her 3 years
  7. superstar, handmade heaven, and end of the earth are solid songs, but the rest of love feels very generic
  8. it's at the point where when i get an insta notification for her i'm like...huh...guess i'll check it later if i have time
  9. the t shirts are really cute wow
  10. one of my all time favorites it takes me back to falling in love with lana in 2012
  11. i think everyone agrees SS needs to go but is anyone else tired of blue jeans
  12. how is superstar any more commercial than EH
  13. The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel - it's a self-help book (law of attraction) she mentioned in an early interview
  14. Going on 6 months of being strung along for this album...to act like people are unreasonable for wanting info is ridiculous. Marina was quiet for years but at least she came back with a plan
  15. If it’s taking this long hopefully it means she decided to take it to rick
  16. tbh? guns and roses (or, more accurately, the bridge on guns and roses). i always liked it but lately i can't stop listening to it
  17. I think it's important to look at what she has achieved for herself though. she's financially secure and (as we've seen) is allowed to do whatever she wants professionally. that's like the ultimate dream for most people.
  18. tbh I honestly think, with all of her covers, that there were much better photos from the same shoot/ time period that she could have used. best cover she ever had was hbtb
  19. I didn't get into Lana till may 2012 I hate that I missed experiencing the release as a fan
  20. i like rick but i could definitely go for another album produced by dan
  21. she should have used one of her past producers. literally any of them.
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