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Everything posted by MoonAgain

  1. tbh that's what i like about her...as long as she releases music and i get to see her live every couple of years the rest of it is whatever
  2. MoonAgain

    Charli XCX

    i really do think it could have done incredibly well...it's so infectious and fresh, and it sounds amazing live
  3. MoonAgain

    Charli XCX

    how did no angel not become a huge hit it was my most played song of 2018 jdksfbak
  4. So much “journalism” about Lana is so condescending, like they’re patting her on the head for not being “fake” anymore.
  5. omg i remember thinking that when she first posted that it honestly would work well
  6. i get what you're saying, but as a lana fan i've always felt pretty appreciated. she made LFL for us (i know it's not everyone's favorite but i love it), and she continues to be sweet and accommodating to fans even when she's had her house broken into. she's given us a lot so i'm more than willing to cut her some slack.
  7. you can make that argument but at the end of the day we buy albums, tickets, and merch becuase we want to. we're free to stop at any time, so it's a two-way street.
  8. honestly there's amazingly produced songs on each album. but for overall consistent quality, ultra
  9. UV has layers, it has power. the new music doesn't. apples and oranges.
  10. i think there's a lot of hype around it because it's the longest song she's ever made (about 5 minutes too long imo) and pretty different from anything she's ever done. parts of it are great but the structure/length makes it hard to listen to
  11. same i never understood why it gets so much hate
  12. i'd be cool with that. bathroom break during hope/change medley
  13. yes exactly. the production is so thin and weak and considering how amazing her production in the past has been i'm seriously side-eyeing jack. it's not like he's not capable of better.
  14. all of that footage is so bland looking i mean the ultra video was low quality but it had aesthetic
  15. prom song and hundred dollar bill are classics edit: paradise too i would have DIED if i'd been at the show where she played it
  16. regardless, i preferred when it was just lana (nothing against alex and ashley)
  17. i still don’t see why she needs dancers at all. no one goes to her shows for choreography. i guess people were calling her performances boring but I like the laidback approach.
  18. Cruel World - 37 Ultraviolence - 26 Shades of Cool - 47 Brooklyn Baby - 4 (+) West Coast - 33 Pretty When You Cry - 48 Black Beauty - 45 (-)
  19. 1. terrence loves you 2. off to the races 3. west coast 4. radio 5. the blackest day 6. sad girl 7. heroin 8. groupie love 9. brooklyn baby 10. flipside
  20. god i remember back before MAC and VB were released people were thinking that the album would be TOO pop because jack was producing...i think it's safe to say those fears have been assuaged
  21. this is exactly what i'm scared of...interesting production is important to me i can't listen to just a piano and singing
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