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Everything posted by Unknown

  2. Prediction: NFR will be nominated for Best Pop Vocal Album and Doin Time will be nominated for Best Pop Solo Performance
  3. BTD and UV are probably her most sonically cohesive records but the songwriting is so much more advanced on NFR, which makes it my favourite Lana album to date.
  4. she was pictured drinking in 2014 and she basically confirmed it in that LFL era interview...why are you making this an issue as if she's going off the rails
  5. can y'all hop off her dick for FIVE MINUTES, your pussy's are far too DRY. she's been drinking again for years now
  6. Robert Orton mixed Ultraviolence lol...back in 2014 she just said she was present and had a hand in the mixing sessions. And for her to completely disregard the work of Pamela Cochrane and Johnny Blue Eyes (although i dont think she works with Johnny anymore)....wtf is this interview
  7. Bits from the video https://www.instagram.com/p/B2MFoHZnMSv/ This is the second time the BBC have fucked up Lana's vocals. They had her mic way too low at Big Weekend in 2017. There's literally no excuse for this considering is was PRE RECORDED!!!!
  8. Damn. A lot of people are coming to that critics defence on twitter. It's even on the trending page for me. Yikes.
  9. TEA i thought it was really strange for her to lash out at THIS review. It was actually a positive review of NFR (albeit it kinda criticised Lana's previous work)
  10. why is fantano taking so long to post his NFR review i think he actually likes this one
  11. what happens to reviews that dont actually give a score? are they just not included on metacritic
  12. Has anyone asked metacritic why they haven't added the 4/5 guardian review. They should add the two review scores together and make an average of 70 as the score from the guardian. That seems only fair!
  13. I mean it's not like anyone's doing anything illegal lol if you buy it from a record store then thats the record store's fault.
  14. Imagine criticising LFA for harkening back to a golden era in America... gurl if you don't like that then how do you like Lana AT ALL that's literally her entire aesthetic. Additionally, you cant deal with every fucking social issue in one song. The song is literally just about how two widely publicised mass shootings over the weekend affected her and made her worry even more so for the state America is in right now.
  15. Lana's work with Jack has made me realise how much I dislike Rick's vocal production on Lana's voice
  16. I'm sick of the TNBAR slander, she could remove all the lyrics from that song and just ooh and ooh the melody and it would STILL be great
  17. Omg i have literally thought this for so long and I did not think anyone else would share the same opinion cus its so random asfghjkl
  18. I predict Fantano will give the album a 7. I cant see it being a lower score than LFL which got a 6 but he has said he's pretty much indifferent towards Doin Time, Venice Bitch and Hope. He only really enjoyed MAC.
  19. This whole Taylor Swift/Scooter Braun drama has me wondering if Lana owns her own masters? What do yall think
  20. Imma need Dont Call Me Angel to be released/leak today.
  21. what time are y'all going to the venue? I don't really care about seeing the support acts or getting close to the front of the barricade
  22. This is a joke btw, Idk maybe this doesn't come as a surprise to me cus I've always thought she was a bit homophobic. Has she literally ever publicly said something supportive of the gays... I remember when gay marriage was a huge issue in the U.S. and she said absolutely nothing lol - even when it was legalised and everyone was celebrating.
  23. How can Lana be homophobic when she's friends with Jonny Blue Eyes
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