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Everything posted by cheaptrailertrashglm

  1. beautifulllllll oh what it would be like to kiss lana on the cheek
  2. Since I've Been Loving You by Led Zeppelin. doubt her vocals could handle it but it'd be a dream so maybe Indian Summer by the Doors
  3. just a whole concert of every track from UV.
  4. well he never pressured her to do anything sexual wise or even to drink, Nancy was just like "omg i'm gonna be so ~~~cooollllll~~~~~" i don't like Nancy either because she literally added nothing to the show except to hint that the monster is attracted to blood. she was just there to show that Nancy was also a nerd who just got lucky to have the most ~~~popular~~~ guy to like her.
  5. if you wanna go for creepy photographer that's cool haha he was an asshole to Nancy tho in the woods, tell her she's gonna be exactly like her mother. JUST SAYING
  6. he's a teenager, who isn't an asshole teenager?
  7. i do not agree. Jonathan is creepy as fuck. spying on them and taking weird photos??? um no. Steve is cute and actually cared about Nancy.
  8. i don't get the hype over Barb either. she was in the show for like 2 seconds and then died cause she was a screaming hot mess. like BYE I DONT MISS YOU
  9. thank youuu lol and yes that's who i thought lol
  10. do you mean: nevermind i can't figure out how to make a spoiler
  11. you're gonna love it!!!! i'm gonna be pushy and say START IT RIGHT NOW lol
  12. oh gosh right?? if i listened to the music i listen to know i probably would have found Lizzy's music but no -_-
  13. just saying they use photoshop for photoshoots, not saying Britney looks bad naturally because she def doesn't need photoshop. she's a fucking godness <3
  14. sorry i basically just woke up and am not awake enough to read through a few pages, :x please forgive me, I'm working on my second cup of Coffee here. thanks for the info tho and repeating it <3
  15. PREACH IT!!!! any news on mood ring??? are they just taking forever to release it or are we waiting for a leak?
  16. it was so easy to do because it felt like a super long movie!!! everything about this show is PERFECTION. I went in not expecting much and was BLOWN AWAY!! it's a masterpiece honestly and i've been trying to get everyone i know to watch it
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