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Pop The Balloons

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Everything posted by Pop The Balloons

  1. Omg stop don't give her ideas she totally would. Lmao exactly. what drama? All we did was ask for the hq file and they lost their shit
  2. Melanie is truly the queen of periods lmao she put it in her movie, she has a song about it what else is this girli going to do with periods
  3. Oh no I'm with you, I'll be right there with you Getting so sick and mfing tired of this girlie scrapping all the good stuff for some bs
  4. Being a Melanie fan is so tiring but exhciting at the same time. On one hand there's some cool ppl like you guys and then you've got the Twitter and insta cry babies..... And it's exciting because Melanie is incredibly talented and can do good things (not so much lately) and the snippets def keep us on edge but are tiring.
  5. Omg wait I can picture that....
  6. If you're going to lip sync at least be somewhat decent at it ppl
  7. So when do we think we're getting the next snippet? Also love how Atlantic was like "announcement tomorrow" then just went silent ๐Ÿคจ
  8. Oop NVM it says dragon girls hoodie ๐Ÿ˜
  9. omg what so maybe there still is hope
  10. Melanie could literally shit her pants and the Twitter/insta fans would be like "omg yes that's facts mama, queen of shit don't let anyone tell you otherwise" or something like girl ๐Ÿ˜ or she could copy another artists work like for line etc etc and they'd still eat it up and defend her ๐Ÿ˜ญ
  11. Oh yes please I'd ascend if she did but I'm not holding my breath
  12. Fingers crossed for you babes, leeches underrated bop
  13. I have learned to ignore Melanie fans that aren't in here because they're almost all crazy and love to say/do anything for a little crumb of attention it's so bad. I love the leaks and I will probably listen to those more then the album
  14. I saw someone say if we bother mel enough she may give us what we want but that's not how that works necessarily ๐Ÿ˜ญ
  15. I fear we will never get the quality she is capable of ๐Ÿ˜ž
  16. Melanie do something challenge
  17. Yes we will it's one of the snippets I've had on repeat
  18. The lyrical message I meant ๐Ÿ˜ญ But I'm definitely over the shitty promo, girl she said I'm lazy my fans can do it for me
  19. She is so real for that, now this really is throat goat pt 2
  20. My friend said: What if she's pulling a bjork and battle of the larynx is about getting throat f'ckd ๐Ÿ˜ญ
  21. Tbh these eggs should of gone to fans like us but instead got sent to children ๐Ÿ˜ญ
  22. Take you to the grave I believe is what she's saying
  23. ๐Ÿ˜’ really not enjoying it. So far I'm losing hope for this album
  24. I hate it here lmao stop dragging it out and show us the damn snippet Lmfao not them commenting "y'all wait we're figuring it out"
  25. I'm not surprised they will do anything for attention
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