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Pop The Balloons

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Everything posted by Pop The Balloons

  1. If that tracklist is correct and needle and thread/ dragons blood is on there too I'll literally die. I love needle and thread so much And if this is real surrounded could be leeches 😬 something also tells me she somehow reworked magnets into one of these songs
  2. Worried that she reworked sirens into and intro for tunnel vision it sounds that way
  3. She's really said hold up, let me save the best for last hunny
  4. So where is this tracklist miss Melanie
  5. Apparently dead like crybaby 😂
  6. It's the way she hasn't posted anything or anything 🧐 but I am glad to see the covers
  7. Judging by the merch fairee soiree is definitely on the album
  8. EDIT: NVM Lmfao watch nothing happen or it be delayed until like 10 pm or something, that's such a Melanie thing to do 😂
  9. Hoping for a single in 7 min along with an announcement
  10. Anyone have an alternate site I can use?
  11. What I'm trying to say is it's the same man's voice as the guy from the end of fingers crossed I'm not saying they're the same song my bad
  12. It had me a little surprised ngl 😬
  13. Listen closely to the nucleus of creation snippet in the beginning, it's the same voice as at the end of fingers crossed 🤔 unless I'm just hearing things
  14. I'd also like to add that the siren looking creature is also in a egg similar to fish/frog etc eggs and not only that in the second clip she posted before the one with 4 eyes it again is very very similar to those eggs. With that being said the only song I'd hold on to hope seeing is sirens tbh. She's heavily hinting at that
  15. I noticed that too 🧐 and the ears kinda look like sirens ears in a way so I'm feeling hopeful about leche of the sirens making it or something similar.
  16. Not to be a negative Nancy but from the snippets we've got I'm really not holding out any hope for the leaked songs to make it on the album
  17. Came here to say this it is giving extraordinary machine teas So judging by the snippets it's clear she wasn't joking when she said she wasn't going to release any of the leaks
  18. It's ok ig just like idk so far it doesn't sit right but maybe once we know more it'll make sense
  19. I really hope that's not the name 😬
  20. Can u send me that photo please bestie
  21. Leak butterfly boy and whatever else 🙈
  22. Those are actual hieroglyphics believe it or not I just can't find what their meaning is
  23. Thoughts on when we think she's giving us the single?
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