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Pop The Balloons

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Everything posted by Pop The Balloons

  1. After 3 am with liquor in my blood
  2. 🧐🧐 I am not sure whether to be excited or not
  3. Is the blonde streak a clip in or wig or?
  4. Sticks and stones is cute but im not sure how I feel about it just yet.
  5. Sza literally gunna release before this album 😭
  6. I think she's still going to use it tbh
  7. I can't find the other emerald I don't know which one I'm missing
  8. Sick of her tbh Like girl you're about to kill your own career
  9. Fall of 2053 is more like it She's pulling a Fiona apple and making us wait almost 12 years for an album
  10. I work from home and a customer called in to set up an account and Charli got brought up and I told him to stream hot in it out July 1st and he said omg I saw that I can't wait so yeah.... Charli baby if you see this I'm doing free promo for you babes 😘😘😘 That's facts love, I am absolutely stuck on utkm
  11. I came to say this, it's looking bleak girlies
  12. Please say sike rn 🤬
  13. So when do we think we're getting hot in it
  14. I'm so gutted we've not got gold digging love studio
  15. Idk I'm missing one of them tho
  16. Apparently the used to know me demo l worded and I need it
  17. Idk if she's on the same label but Florence also posted something similar lol
  18. You're the best thank you ❤️
  19. Does anyone have the mp3 of the YouTube version? It has extra lyrics
  20. She's getting on my nerves now 😐
  21. What song I'm bad with remembering names
  22. I s2g if she scraps garden I will personally fight this hoe
  23. Maze is great just wish it wasn't so short
  24. I have a Charli XCX dvd with a ton of interviews on it
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