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Pop The Balloons

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Everything posted by Pop The Balloons

  1. AHHHHH finally, I wonder when it's dropping? I'm so shook it sounds so good
  2. What era is motdf for? Sorry if it's been asked
  3. Ahhhh motdf is so good
  4. The way Twice hits and really makes u think just hits different, she knew what she was doing
  5. Just saying if more artists did what Charli does and take some ideas and listen to some of the things their fans want they'd do better
  6. Def not Zara but idk who it is either :/ I don't recognize the voice
  7. Trophy is so good 😭πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜ I'm so happy it finally leaked I'm literally crying
  8. I genuinely do not know what to say rn because I get more and more frustrated waiting for this album and it's like who's to blame here the label or the artist. I've given up hope at this point
  9. Leak deep end, stitches and candy store thanks
  10. Not the file site going down so nobody can get the file 😭
  11. So is the remix coming out tomorrow or not
  12. Id prefer deep end leak with those songs
  13. What's the demo and what's the final I have so many versions of it idk what's what
  14. This album will be her XCX World I fear πŸ₯Ί
  15. I don't want instrumentals 😭
  16. Tbh I think needle and thread is one of her best songs tbh
  17. Where the hell is xcxmas 😩😩
  18. Someone leak deep end please πŸ₯Ί
  19. I was half asleep when I typed that out 😭
  20. Oomf said we need a Charli song like track 10 again but ft Florence and the machine..... I wonder how that would go πŸ€”
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