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Everything posted by evalionisameme

  1. Did they re-record vocals for the remix? I prefer the single version
  2. Wait kreayshawn and Dev aren’t the same person 💀
  3. I’ll always disagree with some of the lyrical analyses of fcked because it goes more with the narrative that Lana stated about lorde(there was no other woman it could have been) and the media attacking her. to me that line about dragons is lorde making a judgement on Lanas lyricism and saying her music is unnecessary + this also links in with Lanas culture essay….a decade later Lorde- “I’m a dragon you’re a whore” Lana- “mimicking mes a fucking bore”
  4. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Half of you are in a celebrity forum- of course people are going to discuss when a singer who has been subtweeting another singer for weeks who dissed her and finally reveals the name(Rina)- also yes charli doesn’t have to engage with or even like her fans but likewise we don’t have to agree with behaviour we see as assholish. That’s the crux of fame- and what doja fails to understand too- you can say you don’t like an intense relationship with fans but outright mocking them is just dumb- just disengage and make your music without parasocially engaging on socials
  5. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Came up quickly You should respect the people you are around. For me, this is not a competition. I don't compete. I'm in my own lane - we all are. Females should stand by each other, especially in an industry which seems to try so hard to pin us up against each other and make us fight. It's not about that for me. I refuse to be sucked into a twisted world of insecurity and lose who I am."
  6. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    It’s odd to me how she switches fundamental values to her on a whim- maybe this is just her actual personality but she she was so chill during the sucker era and outright stated she would never fued with another woman
  7. Fair if that is her account- it’s very bizarre but a makeup artist who definitely knew Mel and Tim said she believed the latter because Mel did the same thing to her but she personally wouldn’t consider it rape.
  8. Y’all don’t have to trash Tim in every post either- mutiple women stated that her behaviour happened to them it’s not even her account
  9. She should release her only great song-where do babies come from
  10. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    How I’m feeling now is 14 part 2 though
  11. I mean don’t most artists have a lifespan of 1-3 great albums with the rest being optional? Making music isn’t easy especially if you get no inspiration
  12. Simplify is bad and off key
  13. No one’s talking about the fact this is art deco by Lana wait never mind
  14. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Cross you out could have been left in the drafts tbh I’d rather sky feature on good ones even
  15. Allegations of transphobia https://www.sportskeeda.com/amp/pop-culture/news-who-roisin-murphy-facebook-terf-controversy-explained-irish-singer-comes-fire-online
  16. My unpopular opinion is that it’s odd how people consider Billie as some kind of vocalist when she never pretends or portrays herself as such but consider Lana a worse singer when she’s clearly much more skilled vocally Lazy at times but still skilled
  17. Theres just a lack of innovation but I like kill bill
  18. I thought it was let the winter weather in as a reference to snorting cocaine
  19. Yes I remember the paper technique videos like wtaf did that serve her
  20. I always thought her diction was really clear prior to LFL tbh bar brilliant erection in Bel Air. especially compared to other alt female songwriters like Tori Amos(Esp) because I cannot understand one song throughout and Bjork who can sometimes say words differently.
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