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Everything posted by evalionisameme

  1. Not sure- but like quarter way through- she wouldn’t be classified as obese but definitely “seems” plus size. I think he diversified in the video alright.
  2. There was a bigger black woman though
  3. Britney was also musty in 2004 with kfed- still sexy though, you can be trashy hot
  4. When Troye sells me that he’s a sex obsessed slutty nymph I’ll behave- until then I’ll keep waiting until he transitions from this church boy at summer camp transformation
  5. The visual aid was required
  6. It’s not just that- it’s the look in the face- you can tell when someone is actively turned on by what they’re doing!
  7. Charlie puth on the other hand has lots of sex appeal- he actively seems to enjoy being “sexy” despite not being the best looking man alive- he’s got tons of sex appeal.
  8. you’re thinking too much to what I actually meant-she always had a youthful “angelic” anime look even during ITZ which is why she was doing ads in Japan. She was very sexy during this era in her 20s but compared to Christina did not have the same mature boss bitch vibe. Troye has the same vibe not a “mature look” yet his movements are just not fluid or sexy at all. The video comes across as forced to me but again if he’s made it he was happy to release it.
  9. It’s more like miley 2013 when I actually think about it
  10. I feel like although Troye should be commended for expressing himself too- him and others like Sam lack actual sex appeal and so whereas someone like Britney was able to combine innocence and sexuality to high affect- Troye just looks awkward on mute
  11. The lyrics and overall vibe give me reductive vibes like he’s trying to recreate a pop girl video ala dirrty as a gay male. The sample? Or hook is pretty cool though
  12. the off key vocals No but it’s interesting to hear the progression of a song from its beginning till end. A lot of artists improvise melodies till they get something good.
  13. I mean there is some fire to some of the crazy banon stuff like actual evidence as to Sam still being friends with people who are tied to Lou like gagas manager It’s a tricky one
  14. Disturbing- I hope Britney gets her peace but I just don’t believe she’s safeguarded
  15. Was hoping the title was the opening of my p*ssy instead
  16. 😂 crybaby needed the onlyfans money
  17. Yep can’t stand him as a producer and I know some producers-I’m sorry but in my opinion there’s dozens of smaller producers out there with innovative and good production without it sounding like the instruments have been drowned in a mushy mess of nothing- I do think Jack can make good work but post his pop rollercoaster era and melodrama he’s just so bland production wise- the vocals are drowned, there’s no distinct instruments, the songs are just lifeless and Lanas songwriting and voice is the only thing saving them.
  18. Atleast the ayesha prod would give something sonically interesting for her
  19. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    The fact that speed drive went top 20 whilst good ones didn’t anyway good ones wins in the end because it’s constantly on Uk ads for shows etc An actual good song I fear
  20. I know this is a very obnoxious take but I honestly hate the fact I was born this late to experience these dystopian technologies that are already threatening our lives 💀
  21. She banned via direct request to Elle on message
  22. Attention works so much better in Britneys voice so I think it just proves it’s a good song but wrong in Dojas delivery Sounds so much catchier
  23. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    The way it would be on brand for charli to collab with lovely peaches is kinda hilarious though- someone @ her
  24. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Omg she’s collabing with Lovely Peaches 😍?
  25. She was twitching around the stage… don’t get me wrong she was fun to watch but she didn’t seem confident at all. looked really sad on some dates compared to crybaby era.
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