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Chris Cuomo

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Everything posted by Chris Cuomo

  1. 0MG I'm not listening to any of the new leaks!!!1! #RESPECTLANA DON'T SHARE LINKS. yoUR KILLING THE ALBUM!! omggg im REPORTING YOU!1
  2. Chris Cuomo


    ^ Pre nose job, Ashley Tisdale.
  3. Lana Del Rey: The Daytona Meth Collection 1- Put The Radio On 2- Catch and Release 3- Brite Lites 4- Noir 5- A Star For Nick 6- Daytona Meth 7- Dangerous Girl (Acapella)
  4. Blue Jeans & Video Games were removed for a short time and put back up soon after. I'm sure the same goes for the Carmen video.
  5. Chris Cuomo

    This or That

    Getting high McDonalds or Burger King?
  6. though i do think the name change was definitely pushed by managers, lawyers, etc, i don't think we should jump to the conclusion that ''Lana Del Rey'' was created entirely by somebody other than her.
  7. I still listen to the whole album at least once a month. It's really a great record and reminds me of how I started stanning for her in the first place. Overall, Born To Die doesn't really get old. I can still listen to some tracks and get the same feeling I got the first time I listened to them, which is why it's such a great album. I definitely prefer her unreleased tracks over Born To Die, though. As for Paradise, I haven't listened to that thing in ages. There's only a few tracks on there I really enjoy. I think Paradise appeals to the general public more than Born To Die did.
  8. The shots of her in the field and in the car give off a very bel air feel, but then we have shots of her in front of a strip club = god & monsters?? hoping it's some short film for all 3 songs~
  9. qt. Would of never guessed lanasneedle tbh Anyway! lowinthemind reopened their blog and they're saying the pizza pie lyrics were legit, but they took out 1 word from the line.
  10. Chris Cuomo

    Song vs. Song

    Hit & Run vs. Hit & Run (Demo)
  11. G-d, what a bitchy attitude-- she seems to be getting defensive about the smallest things. I guess she really doesn't want to let on that she reinvented herself to an extent.. She also keeps on spilling the same nonsense every interview. There's nothing new about half of the stuff she's said. I'm worried about this next record. i feel like it's just going to be a bore. still!! smh, talking about the new tracks would've bumped up this interview.
  12. Chris Cuomo

    This or That

    Red! Facebook or Twitter?
  13. the show definitely changed after that. those last couple seasons weren't for everyone i guess, but i'd recommend watching it! especially the last season.
  14. Why don't we already have a thread for this perfect show? I remember watching it almost everyday when I came back from school http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3WtWUarFTs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuyIRVKlWf4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSBCDRyS-ow The first two seasons were iconic After the 5 jump, I found that the show lost a bit of its original charm but w/e anyway, discuss one of the best shows ABC has ever run!
  15. i have an iphone, but that's it. I don't have a macbook or anything like that. I just have a PC. apple has built this very snobbish feel around they're products imo, I don't like that.
  16. Chris Cuomo

    Song vs. Song

    Hit With A Kiss vs. Breaking My Heart
  17. Chris Cuomo

    Song vs. Song

    She's not me!! She's Not Me vs. Gangsta boy
  18. Poor thing. She looks lovely though!
  19. Chris Cuomo


    https://soundcloud.com/laurelofficial/next-time https://soundcloud.com/laurelofficial/blue-blood-final-mix Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud andTumblr
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