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Chris Cuomo

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Everything posted by Chris Cuomo

  1. every artist goes through image reinventions and all that, doesnt mean they're "fake''. I don't doubt that she had alcohol problems or lived in a trailerpark (there r pics) since she bases so much of her music on these things. exaggerations, sure. Fake, not really.
  2. Isn't the carmen demo that ''Rebecca'' has actually All Smiles? (if it is) The Last.fm time for the track is 2 mins, 54 seconds long -- http://www.last.fm/music/Lana+Del+Rey/_/All+Smiles For the most part, the lengths have been correct on these pages. Unless she played some instrumental for the last 42 seconds of the video, it seems unlikely.
  3. Chris Cuomo


    I didn't want this to happen... she's growing on me. I really like the album but there's some stuff on there that's pretty meh. ''Glory and Gore'', ''400 Lux'' and ''A World Alone'' are my favorites so far.
  4. omg. it's not the hollywood cap this time
  5. she looks good with or without the fillers, for the most part. it's rly surprising how much her faced changed over the past year or so, though. makes me think how much of it is due to surgery and how much just has to do w makeup, lack of sleep, hair, etc.
  6. 1- catch and release 2-tired of singing the blues 3-your band is all the rage 4-starry eyed 5-st.tropez 6-hollywood 7-daytona meth 8-hot hot hot 9-jfk 10-strange love
  7. Come When You Call Me Damn You Cola Blue Jeans smh at the jfk hate
  8. that quote really pisses me off. she's so annoying sometimes.
  9. Lana Del Rey collabs with rumored arch enemy and singer-songwriter, Lorde, in the brand new song '''Rivalry''. ''It's something the hipsters will love for years to come'', Del Rey says.
  10. lmao ''serial killer'' is like the second most overrated ldr song tbh. damn you taking first place, of course.
  11. I burned a couple of my favorite unreleased songs onto a CD a while back but i never thought of adding some artwork. Might try it! Yours look really nice!
  12. 1-Criminals Run the World 2-Behind Closed Doors (Final) 3-All Smiles honorable mentions: gramma demo and greenwich
  13. i guess her comments are true to an extent. risky to say tho, like 80% of her fanbase base are ldr stans. some of lana's messages in BTD can be harmful to young, impressionable teens. emphasis on impressionable. if lorde did grow up poor i can see how lyrics in national anthem like - ''take me to the hamptons, Bugatti veyron'' can piss her off. unattainable opulence or w/e. she never had that sort of luxurious lifestyle and neither do most people. I don't think her being 16 has anything to do with it. her opinions on lana don't have to change or ''evolve'' and it doesn't seem like they will.
  14. Where are you Hilary? Dignity was perfect. I remember bopping to that.
  15. No idea. I didn't take the screen cap. I found it whilst lurking through the LDR thread on SIN. My guess is ''Summertime Sadness'', seeing as the person brought up a car crash.
  16. she didn't leak the track tho. some beyonce stan did. they thought they could ''ruin lana's career'' lmao
  17. Chris Cuomo

    Song vs. Song

    what Lolita vs. Last Girl on Earth
  18. the picture itself looks like something you'd see on a hipster/grunge blog & not bc Lana is there, just looks... weird. it has that ''19 year old w a camera, trying to be original'' look
  19. St. Tropez - You Don't Get It TV In Black & White - Black & White (The World Through Your Eyes) Tired of Singing the Blues - White Girl Day Scarface - Sacrifice (Blow)
  20. good job with the tags ldro!! she looks really good. Her n barrie are a perfect match tbh
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