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Chris Cuomo

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Everything posted by Chris Cuomo

  1. Aw, thank you. ^_^ And I hope I wasn't coming off a little bitchy. We're just voicing opinions and discussing.
  2. I get what you're saying, I've noticed these things, but that's just her. i think she's just weird tbh. Not in a bad way, that's just the way she is. I don't think she has mental issues at all. Her weirdness is cute anyway lmao
  3. Yeah, I was guessing she wanted to use the title for both records when I asked- I just wasn't too sure, vaguely remembered reading about it. God Bless America seems like a better title personally.
  4. Ah yes, I remember seeing this in the lana sleuthing thread. Thank you very much.
  5. Video is on YouTube. She performed teen idle. Here are some of the lyrics Lmao I wanna be a virgin pure, A twenty-first century whore, I want back my virginity, So I can feel infinity. I wanna drink until I ache, I wanna make a big mistake. I want blood, guts, and angel cake, I’m gonna puke it anyway. Feeling super, super, super… suicidal!
  6. there was a track going to be called 'I luv u' or something like that. Born 2 Die. w who would buy that album.
  7. Oh yes, now I remember- the VH1 interview had a blue background, correct? The way she was dressed threw me off.
  8. I read somewhere that born to die or was going to be called 'God Bless America' or is that AKA? I can strongly remember reading- 'I'm so glad you're calling your album god bless america'
  9. Not sure, I'm not that big a fan of Marina. I just like the Family Jewels. I didn't care for Electra heart. :s but I saw several gifs and posts about it on tumblr.
  10. -preforms song to a class of 8 year olds* -the song is about being suicidal.
  11. VH1 interview. Mh, The blog lizzydelgrant.tumblr.com, I believe someone asked him/her about it and he/she gave the link to the video.
  12. she looks emo My fave picture- lana in deep thought- contemplating life struggles.
  13. Im just saying in general-it's younger fans, who have only heard one or two songs that always just spew out the 'LANA IS MY QUEEN FLAWLESS' All the time. Did not mean to offend.
  14. I find most of that comes from the 13 year old 'who's lizzy grant?' part of the fanbase.
  15. She looks beautiful. Glad her hair is lighter now. I find black hair on her makes her look tired and pale. She's more youthful looking with this color.
  16. Really don't like this one. I hope this isn't the case, I've seen fanmade covers for DP that were 100x better.
  17. Just picture it- she has a corset on, moving around that pole. Grinding. It's perfect. Like, I'm not talking about go go dancing. Like a good stipper. . Ohhh. OHHH. I can just picture it. Her name would be 'MISTY'.
  18. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. But I feel it would of been better without the vintage clips.
  19. Maybe less famous- maybe she'd just be another star with a small fanbase. Maybe she'd still be big but there would be less controversy surrounding her. Then again, a lot of fans found out about her through the controversy and all the media time. What if video games wasn't as big? What if the media attention on Born to Die wasn't as big as it was? What if she never went to Boarding school? Like I said, you never can know for sure. But there's educated guesses. Who knows how things would of turned out. But I'm sure differently.
  20. I've thought this many times. And we can never say for sure, but I do think her career and things in the past year or so would of been would of panned out differently if it wasn't for the controversy surrounding her early on.
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