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Chris Cuomo

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Everything posted by Chris Cuomo

  1. Her timeline is sketchy as fuck. When did she move to the trailer park btw? 2007?
  2. I'm sure she's had the basics. Weed, Meth, coke... etc
  3. I'm sure she's had a bit of everything. of course alcohol.
  4. I like sirens more. have you heard a star for nick? lana waves at all the blessed people that voted for sirens.
  5. She use to do a lot of coke, right? Well.. that can turn people fucking crazy. I don't know if it ever got to that point. Where she had to be hospitalized but I'm sure she she has had some mental problems. ..
  6. I've never liked Diet Mountain Dew or pepsi. Always a coca cola person.
  7. Chris Cuomo


    It just doesn't sound like studio at all. Like when she says 'You're Crazy' it sounds like a laptop recording. Could be wrong tho.
  8. Chris Cuomo


    I love it. I wish we had more songs/demos that she did on her laptop.
  9. I had Video games before it leaked... BOOYAH. but.. for realz. Don't know if this count's but I've heard a snippet of 'reeve baby' and supposedly it hasn't yet lmao
  10. Chris Cuomo


    I love it. You can hear the emotion in her voice and it's very beautiful.
  11. escortnight I like these names..
  12. i'm honestly dying. it's so stupid. Highinthemind just 'leaked' this song like a couple hours ago.. and now they're 'leaking' it! :omgha: :omgha: :omgha: :omgha:
  13. EXCEPT IT'S NOT BRAND NEW. they linked this 10 mins ago http://escortnight.tumblr.com/
  14. http://iamnotevilforgiveme.tumblr.com/ they linked this lol
  15. It's fun tho. Plus they post some pretty interesting stuff. Like where the fuck did they find this photo? http://25.media.tumblr.com/873d4f20c6c8fe33910db13d67c0e381/tumblr_mfcos6fEfQ1s01rpvo1_500.jpg
  16. I'll be sure to tell him. btw: i just hope you know I have nothing to do w/ those death threats you were talking about. i would never go that far. i don't even know your tumblr. Just sayin'
  17. well... YourGirlLana Found out... and told some other members. But by that time I thought i would spill it... and tell everyone I'm sissy.
  18. lolol. i didn't write my about me thing or this. I didn't even make my account. when I went on lanaboards today in the morning this is the account I was on. I haven't gotten the chance to even change my about me thing... I was hoping no one would find out I was sissy... but now it's out. Weather you believe me story or not. I'm sticking by it. That's all.
  19. Hi guys, As some of you know I'm SissyRey. If you remember my old account? Well... I'd like to explain a couple things about this whole 'blog scandal' The past two days I've been in Michigan, okay? In that time. My younger brother got onto my account( SissyRey) Anything that was posted by that account in the last 48h was not me! He's been on the forum several times, once getting me banned from tinychat. Anyway, he made the 'Lanawillbeexposed' blog, to get the forum in a buzz. I guess somehow he got locked out my other account and made this account. Today when I went to LanaBoards, this is the account I was on. It took me a couple mins to wrap my head around all of this. He's going to be 'heavily punished' says my mom! Anyway... I'm really sorry for all of this. But I a sure you, he has nothing to do with 'highinthemind' I'm so sorry for all the trouble this has caused. I'm hoping we can just forget about this.
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