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Sugar Venom

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Posts posted by Sugar Venom

  1. "I'll nourish you hazily..." OzQcuqVm.png







    sorry guys idk what thread this technically belongs in (ig updates? pre release? random convo? help :defeated:), but I just edited the selfie + hydrangeas from her most recent ig post like they could be for the BB album shoot, these are the vibes I'm trying to manifest and when I saw the pics that lyric immediately came to mind 

  2. I think BB is just something she needs to get off her chest before she can move forward, I’m not really expecting this record to be any different than NFR & Chemtrails. Personal and brave definitely, but not a full return to the Lana we’ve been missing and we will probably still have the same complaints 


    But in QFTC she said “can I please go back to singing about being embodied, feeling beautiful by being in love even if the relationship is not perfect, or dancing for money - or whatever I want ” etc and Mike Dean said he was a fan of Lana and hoped they would work together for more, which I’m sure they will. I think he said he knew of her because some of his friends have worked with her, so he’s probably more familiar with the hip hop side of her music like BTD, and I’m hoping when they work together he’ll channel that energy since it’s what he associates w her lol

  3. I keep hearing “chuckie’s making birthday cake chickens running barefoot there’s a baby on the way” as if the birthday cake is for the unborn child, which they’re throwing a birthday party for, and Lana is letting the chickens run barefoot in her house because it’s a special occasion as if she otherwise makes them wear tiny little chicken sneakers when they come inside

  4. 36 minutes ago, orpheline said:



    Lol it's my screenshot :toofunny: It's from 2018 and I don't think she's on Instagram anymore... big fan of Paz and it's apparent she's been struggling with mental health the past few years at least and has been taken advantage of by several people in the industry including Weinstein etc. and has mentioned conspiracies involving the accident with the truck and something about her mother... It seems she also feels taken advantage of by Lana using that paparazzi footage in Video Games and is resentful of it whenever it's brought up.

    As for boobs she's just nude 50% of the time






    Knowing Paz.... that's probably the full context

    Omg sorry bestie I didn’t know it was yours :pout: I saw it on t*mblr tonight and I can’t stop replaying that interaction in my head :bebe:

  5. 15 minutes ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

    Did she deactivate?

    Also why does this post have boobs what do boobs have to do with Lana not caring that you got hit by a truck

    So many questions

    I think she must've, I tried to find the post myself and the account was nowhere to be found

    It's not my screenshot so idk how old the post is I just wanted to share it bc the awkward interaction at the chateau was sending me :toofunny:

  6. 2 minutes ago, BluebirdXO said:

    Do you think we're getting a documentary along with the album?

    Ed Millet also suggested that Chemtrails is far from the only activity we can expect from Lana this year. “She’s already got two albums in mind, I think,” says Millett. “And there’s the other poetry book still to come. She's always been super-prolific.” [...] “She’s got her own plan for something,” hinted Millett. “I’m not going to say what it is, but she’s had it for years, and it might actually now [be] something we could pull off.”




  7. 29 minutes ago, cru3lworld said:

    I think you're really reaching here with the age thing, coming from a 29 year old. But lana's older music talks about things she did in her teens and early twenties. It would be weird for anyone approaching 40 to be singing about sugar daddies and cocaine still. Her music evolves with her maturity and the current events, that's just what she wants to do with her art and i think more people should be supportive of the direction she wants to go in because it makes HER happy. Anyone is welcome to their opinion but if you're still a stan you should support her happiness, and not only like her when she makes something that can chart. 

    With peace and love, this is incredibly presumptuous. I think you misunderstood me. I love Lana, she is the single most important artist in my life and I’ve grown up alongside her music and I want to support her in all her ventures. I care about her as a person (and her happiness/well-being) first and foremost. For you to assume all I want from her is songs about coke and sugar daddies is honestly insulting, that’s not what I said at all and I’m not interested in those things anyways, I never have been. Please show me where I asked for that :scoff: All I said was that a pop, hip hop, or rnb album was not out of the question, and to not dismiss certain possibilities because of her age. I don’t care about charts. I love what she is doing and the trajectory she has been on. I also listen to a lot of hip hop and rnb, and if you think there is no maturity in those then you haven’t heard enough music. Like I said, we shouldn’t have to have this conversation every pre release. You are putting her in a box because of her age, and I don’t think that’s fair. If you want Lana to be happy, then you should allow her room to pursue what she wants, regardless of her age or your personal music taste preferences


    Edit: sorry if this overdramatic I’ve had a lot of caffeine :excited: 

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