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Everything posted by liveordieboy

  1. I'm slowly getting to the conclusion that this might be my all time fav lana's record...
  2. As far as I know its not technically a pit, it should correspond to the front row of the garden. It has also (that what the organization has said) a better acoustic, private bar and toilets.
  3. I was at the one in Milan, oooh the memories... 🥺 Ofc shed be already sold out there or in Rome. But she decided to be edgy af this time... as if she were a local artist (tbh I also love her for these reasons). I'll be there nevertheless, yet Idk how to get back home the same night after the concert. I guess I'll have to stay high by the beach and take the first train in the morning. Also, pretty sure the event does not have any livestream, but maybe I'll try to with my insta for some songs
  4. Here in Italy we're having problem reaching the place. Its a tiny village in Tuscany, absolutely not adequate for such a big artist. Given that she announced it so late, bus companies are not available for that date 🥺 That's the reason why the show is not sold out and many people are deciding not to go.
  5. It'd be cute if she kept on releasing an unreleased song each month or so. Imho I don't think it offends her artistry, it's just about reclaiming her rights over something that has been for years all over the Internet.
  6. I was fourteen when video games came out. She better be sending me back to highschool
  7. cherry blossom comes up to me but maybe it's old tea
  8. The physical copy it's out tomorrow, I'll check it out, but I'm sure they are the same as Paris match. Anyway the interview is cute, she is asked abt Francesco Carrozzini and her relationship w Franca Sozzani
  9. Yes, it's new. I translated it, still waiting for my topic to get approved
  10. Anyway, that's the interview: http://www.chartsinfrance.net/Lana-Del-Rey/interview-104715.html
  11. At first I tought se had a space suit on
  12. why the fuck when I clicked on LFL on spotify Dua Lipa started singing
  13. I just meant that the record will be out when in NZ when in my country is still the morning of the 20th. Sorry, didn't think it was so hard to explain.
  14. That twitter girl uploaded a broken link aha
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