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Everything posted by butterflies

  1. butterflies


    It's such a shame that no one opened thread for our king and my bae Le1f. Shame on YOU YALL ANYWAY... He released 3 mixtapes. Check them out on his soundcloud. Really good stuff. Officialy released EP along with his producer Boody where u can find this gem. Last year his EP 'Hey' came out. Sup and Nah are ma fave. https://soundcloud.com/le1f/sets/hey-ep This year he is about to drop his debut album 'Riot Boi' Today he dropped first single Koi. It's produced by SOPHIE, guy who made that masterpiece Hey QT. Enjoy guys
  2. https://scontent-vie1-1.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t50.2886-16/11890462_1605813299683975_1399325617_n.mp4
  3. Poor Dan. I'm not fan of him either, but I want to hear that song. Only bcos of vocals.
  4. I saw that on atrl and checked amazon es but can't find this
  5. No one noticed that glitch while she singing "touch"?
  6. that's the reason why NOT involve family into business... How interscope let this happen... This looks like Starline Tours commercial...
  7. isnt it confirmend that Boris is actually gaga?
  8. the fact that she replied with Lanz photo haha https://twitter.com/TIHT5900/status/634057443442585601
  9. butterflies


    Thank you I use it too There are already good tutorials on yt but try to play with it by urself and then later just see mixing and mastering vids
  10. butterflies


    LISTEN NEW SINGLE DOLL Listen on SoundCloud Download on Bandcamp
  11. I know it's fake, but what's wrong with Purple Sunset as title? Just imagine how pretty it'd look in video! http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/guilds/images/9/98/Purple_Sunset_by_the_Water_Image_-11.png/revision/latest?cb=20110802163034
  12. In time is SO great! I love Figure 8 too... The rest...
  13. Can someone send me link please???
  14. How is trap euro friendly? Guys can you remember that time when half of you said that you don't stan/care for charts but music quality? I miss that time
  15. It really does sound like a demo. It literally has 2 oscillators, one saw lead, a bit of piano, drum, snare and high hat. Melodically it is nice but production is so basic for her standards that is huge step backward. Well if it's real, at least my remix will slay so hard. I already have it in my head.
  16. And then people say MTWBT is next single bcos of that and then meltdowns when it isn't.
  17. From their dreams. That song won't even happen... Oh I can'T wait for meltdowns when tracklist will come out.
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