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Everything posted by butterflies

  1. y u so pressed with ha? She was great in almost every challenge.
  2. kind of disappointed with choice... Pearl served same dancing moves... Fame should stay...
  3. u forgot little party dress and pale moonlight lines
  4. YASSSS I LIVE FOR THIS IT'S GREAT TBH ITS ON REPEAT AND THAT EDITH WHOEVER THIS BITCH IS SHE IS SLAYING ME SHE IS GREAT CANT WAIT TO SEE HA And yes Ethan deleted that post. Knowing that she didn't write these lyrics I'm thinking what she will serve then on her solo project. So far... I think she made mistake. But let's see...
  5. Frail Is this what you call frail!? Bop tbh
  6. so glad that Diore is still there. Max's meldown looked like she has some mental problems. It was kind of uncomfortable for me to watch.
  7. part from Alchemy. @@European introduced her to me long time ago and I love this song
  8. AaaaaaaaaaaaAaAaAaeeuoooo AaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAEEuuuoooo AaAaAaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeuuuu AAAAAAAAAAAAeeeeeeeeeuuuu
  9. One time hq came out one day after album release
  10. This episode was kind of boring... Violet looked so good as Michele. I'm starting to be more into her. Candy FINALY went home... hand on heart she killed JDF in lip sync battle... but yeah.
  11. obv. she wasn't. She just said it. Forgot to watch untucked so I watched it now. This one was so heartwarming. Violet is starting to be human.
  12. but some of them struggle just as she did, but they focused a lot on her. Same here is with Candy Ho. She is barely 3 minutes in every show and you can't see her struggle... That REEL BIATCH from teaser is not there. I thought Trinity is filler until I saw her other qualities. You can't just come there and be good at lip sync and look good. We will see what will happen later. So far this season is mess.
  13. Now he got it. I hope it'll stop.. Last year at first they totally fucked up Trinity. Their edits at first made her so untalented, annoying filler queen and suddenly she became so good and whatnot... This year it's Pearl... Saying that Pearl has no personality, while she is the only one who comes out on that runway with her real persona, makes this show stupid...
  14. CANDY should go HOme.... Kasha <3 That Ru-Pearl fight was so fake and planned... they want so badly to make that ''phoenix'' shit in every season...and I'm not buying it...
  15. Its on Deezer so I guess it's on Spotify? Its so beautiful
  16. Haters gonna hate Watched ep 2 yesterday
  17. Judging by first episode... Miss Fame, Katya and Jasmine Masters are IT this season imo Trixie Mattel and Kennedy Davenport kind of too Pearl out of drag the rest girls of this season are flat, boring or annoying for some reason... ž +I finally remembered! Trixie Mattel out of drag looks like Dewey with ear correction from Malcolm in the middle
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