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Psychedelic Pussy

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Everything posted by Psychedelic Pussy

  1. Once Upon A Dream was a MASTERPIECE. If Disney doesn’t work with her on the soundtrack for this one, Disney is DEAD TO ME xo
  2. Lowkey I’m down for a marina collab on NFR. I am LIVING for their friendship
  3. I feel like I’d be able to appreciate this poetry a lot more if she dropped the god damn album
  4. Actually now that I think about it I’m glad the album mostlikely isn’t coming on March 29, only cause Billie Eilish was attempting to dethrone Lana as the reigning queen of sadness by dropping her album the same day. Stay in your lane, child.
  5. When she posted that long ass teaser for HIAB on Jan 11, I was CERTAIN the song & MV were dropping soon. It’s March... and NOTHING. Wtf?
  6. Will she ever top the Purrr! EP tho? All her music is SO good but that ep is untouchable. Flawless.
  7. I feel like this album is gonna age reaaaaaally well. It’s marina’s honeymoon in a sense. The new song is pretty good, feel like I’m gonna like it more with each listen. The production is reaaaally good, this track wouldn’t feel out of place on EH tbh
  8. If she doesn’t drop the album on March 29 you’re all invited to my funeral! @@salvatore will open up by reading the Ride monologue and then the entire UV album will play and you can all dance or smth. Perf. Ugh see u there girlies!
  9. If she don’t announce this album yesterday & confirm the release date as March 29 & confirm 15+ tracks & absolutely SERVE on every track idk how I’ll live bros
  10. When r the next Lipsters awards? I nominate Peroxide for best banned sis
  11. Why do I feel like Cinnamon is gonna be 5-7 mins long and the “in your car” snippet is like the intro/outro of the song
  12. Why’d no one tell me they have a new album out, it goes OFFFFF I fell in love w em from my first listen of Apocalipstick, such a great album. Her vocals against the harsh instrumentation is like, euphoric I love love love their first record, my fave tracks are Told You I’d Be With The Guys, Humble Pro (!!!!), Nuclear Bomb, Nurse Ratched and Instagratification. I rlly can’t recommend this enough if you’ve never listened to Cherry Glazerr before, sooo amazing My faves off the new record are Ohio, Daddi, Juicy Socks, Stupid Fish & Distressor. Their music is sooo fucking good like, I can’t even put into words. This new record is insane
  13. If this album doesn’t come out on or before March 29th I’m going to set myself on fire
  14. Sendin love to Anne and hope she is back on here makin flower gardens out of this forum again soon xxx
  15. Omg is she vaping out of a Mi-Pod? Sis has the same vape as me... goals
  16. “two 8 track collections that form a set” Oooohhhh my godddd im so excited for this record
  17. “The End — or, depending on your devotion to Del Rey, the Beginning — is on the horizon.” Well gays, the Beginning is on the horizon! What will YOU be doing on March 29th as the heavens open and Ms Elizabeth Grant assumes her position as ruler of the world? (Edit: I quoted the wrong post. Sorry I m drunk xo)
  18. In MAC where she sings “I’m the board, the lightning, the thunder” wtf does board mean? I took it as a reference to LB but I don’t actually have a clue. It would be cute if she referenced us tho
  19. If that was the cover I legitimately would never wake up. I would listen to the album and then ascend to heaven. That image is GODLY
  20. I’m still hoping that intro she sang to WM is from a song on the album ugh
  21. This Wave STILL to this date one of her best songs ever made. Actor & Strange Mercy are both straight up some of the best records I’ve ever heard. Timeless. Just wanna drop my appreciation 4 The Party, Just The Same But Brand New and The Sequel. My wig levitates every time
  22. Y’all saying cinnamon leaked almost gave me a fuckin heart attack
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