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Everything posted by LanaBoi

  1. It'll be coloured shades of ultravioletence bent backwards over the grass
  2. Thanks for the memories ya'll! The laughs made the wait tolerable!! Can't believe how far we've come since those days where I thought it might have been scrapped!
  3. She's probably among us already here or on twitter... the next album is gonna be about her experiences with crazy fans
  4. This thread has overtaken the Charli XCX for most replies
  5. The problem is that it has impacts on people who aren't rich. Lana isn' the only one to profit of her music, there are plenty of LOWER paid people below her and pretty much every other artist who suffer when music is stolen or leaked. There will be plenty of people who will listen to leaks/illegally download NFR who won't have purchased the album, regardless of how many fans there are who have. I am in no way a 'defender of the rich', I am a massive leftie who believes in democratic socialism, but I will never think it is ok to steal music. Music is just to personal to artists, and I just think that it would be better that people heard it when Lana was ready for people to hear it.
  6. It's more about it being Lana's work and something pretty personal to her. Nah I just happen to believe stealing isn't right regardless if the person is rich or poor. It's not just the 'wealthy' who suffer from leaks and stolen music it's other people who work on the album at many different levels. But anyway, moving beyond that, I'm not worried about LDR's loss of money, I just want her album to come out when she wants it to. I believe the creative process is different for a lot of people and I think it deserves to be heard when the person who is releasing it wants it to be heard.
  7. Can y'all just be patent and wait the couple of days for it to be released? Lana doesn't deserve to have her work leaked.
  8. The blackest day is my favourite lana song so this has me very hyped.
  9. Lana did it to confuse us all cause she's actually on Lanaboards ;)
  10. I quite enjoy Taylor Swift's music but its kinda upsetting that Lover will chart and sell so much better than NFR.... the reviews I'm reading are saying that Lover has quite a few... dodgy... tracks and then we have NFR which looks to be a knockout fantastic album. I guess quality never sells.
  11. That's depressing.. then again, this thread is less than a year old and the Charlie XCX thread is 7 years old the blackest day blue
  12. Is this thread the most posted one on lanaboards yet?
  13. Eh. I haven't even heard the LQ leak and just from snippets + what has been released I think its her best work. But yes taste is subjective.
  14. On a lana fb page I'm on people are saying all the songs on NFR are boring -_-
  15. Yeah if you have the right cables and garage band... I also hope it doesn't leak.
  16. I’m dying for the blackest day live... beyond the acapella we got.
  17. Eww!!! NFR + Honeymoon songs she’s never done live.
  18. My thoughts exactly The entirety of HM besides HBTB and DLMBM are top tier. For me HM is her magnum opus. The whole thing is just so immaculate, the lush beautiful production, the transitions between Freak & Art Deco, Burnt Norton & Religion & Salvatore.
  19. I haven't heard the leaks, but I think from what I've heard so far (MAC, VB, HIADT, DT, TG, FIILY) this is tying with Honeymoon for best album on my ranking. Honeymoon and NFR are so very different/special in alternate ways so one is not better than the other but both equally as amazing (to me).
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