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Everything posted by LanaBoi

  1. Now I hear it, but to me I hear cinnamon girl like 6 times hahhaha Now I hear Topanga as well
  2. Mariners Apartment Complex - 4 (-) Venice Bitch - 82 California - 55 (+)
  3. Mariners Apartment Complex - 10 (-) Venice Bitch - 65 California - 66 (+)
  4. I honestly loveeee How to Disappear's instrumental bridge, its so beautiful and emotional.
  5. LanaBoi

    Dua Lipa

    Dua’s Physical is so much better than the Olivia Newton John one
  6. I'm still desperate for Honeymoon 2.0 Cinematic, Orchestral, thoughtful things (like the song fade between Freak & Art Deco) <3
  7. Same, I think it was due to the distortion of playing it in her car and the microphone in her iPhone distorting it again.... Oh and something to add, I love that we got this album almost with everything she promised. There were no snippets or name drops of songs that didn't end up on it, or her talking about her fave songs on the album only to not have them on the album. I guess the only thing was the production of How to disappear changing, but that quickly grew on me anyway (though I'd love to hear a studio piano version).
  8. OMG I LOVE THIS! Also to add - September 2018 - Lana says the album is finished with 11 Tracks. - January/Febuary 2018 - Lana later says she had 3 songs when she started working with Jack. ( I take Hope NOT to be one of these songs, as it was lyrics/ journaling before she turned it into a song with Jack)
  9. I still have a theory that Yosemite was reworked into Mariner’s apartment complex.... though I’m probably wrong!!
  10. Yeah it was 11 - I thought I was writing 11, but apparently I wrote 9.
  11. Interesting - I hadn't thought of that. I do remember from the live stream that Cinnamon Girl and How to Disappear were written close together after something about a New York trip? But yeah you could be right as she said the album was finished with 9 tracks in September 2018, and then the Apple event was October, and yeah that live stream was beats for HTD. But Hope is the song she said is both the start and finish of NFR - Lana said that even though it was only second song recorded she felt that the record was complete with it.... I think FILLY and Doin' Time are the only two songs I could leave off the record.. Personally I might also leave Bartender off, but I recognise that its really important to the album.
  12. Weird I can't quote! @Veinsineon I was sure she said somewhere that Hope is a Dangerous thing was the first she did with him... but maybe I've dreamt that EDIT: I stand corrected - Lana + Jack say in the livestream where she sang NFR that Love song was first then hope.
  13. I'm fairly sure either both or one of California and TNBAR were part of the original track-list - Lana said in interviews that she already had three songs for the album when she started working with Jack. This would be three of: - Bartender (she first mentioned in Jan 2018) - Maybe Happiness is a Butterfly (she first mentioned in April 2018 - unsure if this was from working with Rick earlier or at the same time as Jack) - California (recorded in 2017) - TNBAR (Obviously written back in 2016, but who knows when the lyrics were re-written) Doin' Time was 100 percent on of the additions to the album, and the second was Fuck it I Love You as she said it was the last song recorded for the album. For the third addition, I'd be inclined to say The Greatest, given its reference to the California wildfires which were in Mid 2018. Love Song is also a possibility.
  14. I respect your opinions but for me California is one of the most important tracks on the album :D
  15. I've resigned myself to the heartbreaking fact we'll never hear California played live in concert properly... same with The Greatest :'(
  16. I want a NFR extended release so bad with more tracks <3 Never gonna happen but a boy can dream. According to my Last.FM I have 4493 plays of NFR songs but I think thats out by about 1000 because The Greatest seems to randomly scrobble like 20 times from one listen...
  17. LanaBoi

    Taylor Swift

    I really enjoyed Miss Americana. It made me reflect and think how guilty I've been of criticising Taylor in the way the media does (ie for lack of political involvement, tearing through relationships etc) - seeing all the pressure that is put on her and how much she put on herself was a big revelation. I've enjoyed various Taylor music over the years but I have a new found appreciation for her.
  18. I know!!!! Its sooo good. The instrumental bridge is beautiful, the sleigh bells are beautiful, the whole thing is just beautiful <3
  19. I remember thinking How To Disappear had been ruined when I first heard the album version but love love love love it now.
  20. Lana looked stunning, I loved it. Loved her hair and her dress. She was very elegant. Yeah yeah we get it, you hate everything Lana does these days. Because some of us wish that the award wasn’t based on the hype, and truly believed that NFR was the superior album. Not that I believe it was rigged.
  21. How depressing.... agreed also that if she didn’t win with this one with all the critical reception then what chance does she ever have. Had billie’s album come out before 2012 it would have been trashed. I think Billie is very talented but NFR is such a superior album and Lana has done her time releasing album after album which have been under-recognised.
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