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Everything posted by LanaBoi

  1. Oh my gosh - The Greatest is beautiful!!! I listened to FIILY and TG on the video but caved and bought TG on iTunes - so beautiful.
  2. I was thinking about this just the other day... Oh my gosh it would have been beautiful.. A boy can dream......
  3. I’m not listening to leaks, but if the rest of the album is like MAC, VB, HTD and the snippets she put on Instagram then it will top Ultraviolence for me personally. The question remains if it will top Honeymoon.
  4. Maybe she's avoiding social media. Must hurt to have the album leak. I'd avoid social media as well if I was her. So much hurtful stuff has been said by fans this era who somehow think they're owed something.
  5. I need this album nowwwwwwwwwwww..... This is gonna be a long 17 days
  6. For all we know, the first verse is piano before the backing kicks in....
  7. Season of the Witch is at number 14 on the worldwide iTunes chart and Looking for America is 15
  8. L4L without Summer Bummer, Groupie Love and Tomorrow Never Came and three awesome replacement songs would have been good. I love LFL but it is a regression from Honeymoon. NFR looks like its back on track to be like Honeymoon and Ultraviolence.
  9. So did I! and thats a great comparison - I didn't think of it. Love Angel Down as well.
  10. Pretty sure the latest one is talking how America is not a good place, she is dreaming of a better version of America.
  11. @mergirl It's not about opinions about how Lana looks, it is about ridiculous societal expectations of women. Why does a woman need to put makeup on to attend a party? LDR is wearing respectable clothes. Men aren't expected to put on makeup to attend a party or put endless time into their hair. Why should women? Pretty sure the effort required for a party is a) look respectable (which Lana was) and b) be there. I've got no issue with anyone commenting on whether or not they like a hairstyle/clothes/whatever on LDR, but when it crosses over into saying that it is an expectation for women to wear makeup, I have an issue with that.
  12. Honeymoon is already better than Ultraviolence in my books, so its gonna be NFR vs Honeymoon for me Goodness Looking for America is just beautiful.
  13. Maybe Lana and Jack's computers are in Area 51 and so is every physical copy
  14. This to me seems like the opposite to what has happened. She’s less constrained by things like needing to make a hit record, then she was in the BTD days. Ultraviolence, Honeymoon and NFR (based on what we’ve heard) is Lana making the music she wants to, because she’s made it now.
  15. How do we know the lyrics?? Have I missed something
  16. People can be so mean sometimes. I love her last three covers (NFR, LFL and HM). All shot by Chuck. At the end of the day it's a personal preference whether you like a cover or not.... not something to go attack her about. I'm fairly sure Lana is the sort of person who would be happy to just go make music for herself and live her own life. She probably has all the money she needs, and the amount of hate that gets thrown at her would be pretty off-putting for someone like her. Anyway... just my 2 cents.
  17. Honeymoon is better than Ultraviolence *runs away and hides*
  18. I agree - she said in an interview that she already had three songs when she first started working with Jack - so I think TNBAR, HIAB and Bartender were part of the original 11. I’m almost sure that Doin’ Time was the last thing added.
  19. She already had songs when she started working with Jack - “That was such a happy accident for me, I knew Jack [Antonoff] seven years ago when we were both making records at the same time with Emile [Haynie] - he was in fun. - but I didn't really reconnect with him until January [2018], and he was like "We should definitely sit down and just start doing stuff". I told him I had three songs that I already liked for a new record, that I wasn't really writing music, and we sat down at his studio in New York and I mean he kind of started everything, 'cause he would just play chords for hours, and like, he's so good at piano, some of the stuff he writes, like, just melodically, is really - it's kind of classical - and in my case it ended up turning more folky. He made it really easy for me to just riff over everything he was doing, and in our first week I had two songs I just thought were maybe like two of the best songs I had written. He just has a lot of truth in him.” Probably 'The Next Best American Record', 'Bartender' and 'Happiness is a Butterfly'.
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