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Everything posted by knoxavel

  1. right wing liberal here and i support this message.
  2. sisters of mercy <3 what a fucking legend of a poet. he will be missed. well he has a big catalog.
  3. yass - she can revise the following: I DON'T WANT TO GO, TV IN BLACK AND WHITE, and JFK. yasss please god.
  4. i agree on the fact with how it's presented. hopefully they use better verbiage when addressing it ... lol
  5. i'm a right wing liberal. i do think they need to take the immigration situation more serious,and be a lot more strict on welfare. a lot of people abuse the system in that aspect and it should be looked into more.
  6. you don't watch south park, do you? it takes 20 years for something like this to be funny in the states .....
  7. let's just hope for the best outcome to come out of the 4 years he's in office.
  8. don't do that. you can't leave me.
  9. mama - is that you - it's me, sarah! **name that movie sis****
  10. bihhhh - i researched. i have to, being a right wing liberal. Obama was an obvious choice for me but this one had me in both lanes - i clutched my pearls as i voted this time around.
  11. - did you proof read this before you submitted?
  12. Is everyone anticipating the election? - NO Who is more fit to be the president? - CLINTON Who is more trustworthy? - NEITHER. Who do you see actually helping the USA economically and to it's entirety? -I can see CLINTON trying, but the house won't let her and they will fight her every chance they can. What are some good qualities of both main candidates? - the only person who exhibits any type of redeemable qualities is CLINTON. She has the experience and knowledge to lead this country. Any third parties or write ins? NO - BUT I DID GIVE BERNIE A THOUGHT. *Bonus* Who do you think would lana vote for based off of her financial and political standing? - THIRD PARTY MOST LIKELY. SHE WOULD.
  13. stay up with that education. also can you take take back your troll - katie hopkins. thanks link me, booboo. i try to stay up on the up & up as much as possible. i mean, i'm on youtube right now watching the reporters go awf.
  14. yet you're in here ... move on.
  15. i just want this shit to be over. who ever wins, will only reign for 1 term. that's not long enough to fuck us over. also, i think Lana would vote third party. personally.
  16. the one thing i really like about marina is how much she could give two shits about her fans.
  17. luckily anytime i've seen her i've stayed a good distance from the front of the stage - not worth it to me - so i've not dealt with the bad kids. but i've seen/heard them and honestly, her young fans are so embarrassing. no wonder she doesn't give you guys shit.
  18. knoxavel

    Ariana Grande

    she can sing. she can hold the notes and wales and has great stamina. she needs to learn not to tighten her larynx so much. she also needs to work on her clarity. i'll give her a 7 out of 10.
  19. KID CUDI. he's raw talent, and not a fuckboi.
  20. marina and the diamonds - happy
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