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Everything posted by PennCentralFan

  1. I agree it is my second favorite song on Paradise after Ride. I was so hoping she would do it live in Chicago.
  2. Wow I would so love to meet Lana like that. She is so great to her fans.
  3. They played summertime sadness as bumper music last night near the end of the show.
  4. I kind fo wish she would quit smoking. Ugh, know too many who had their lives shortened and made more miserable due to smoking.
  5. The fact that she's with Barrie gives some hope to us normal guys.
  6. I think it's unrealistic to expect that a 30 minute long form music video to play throughout the country. I think this will be like Ride in a way which was shown in Los Angeles in a theater. Premiere in NYC and Los Angeles and see the video on youtube. I love the latest poster and her image like the Virgin Mary. Pretty cool. The video playing in the background for Body Electric at her Chicago shows was heavy in Roman Catholic imagery. I don't know what to make about her farewell comment in her tweet.
  7. I think this is in relation to her current tour and dates in the USA. She has no commitments in the USA for the rest of the year.
  8. Plus if any of you guys noticed Roman Catholic imagery and icons are prominent in some of her picture sets and if you have seen her show the video playing in the back for Body Electric even had a picture of Pius XII I think? Or maybe Paul VI. But I think it was Pius XII. LOL
  9. Well I was making a statement more about the paparazzi than about Lana. Since the paparazzi are so debase I figure they would have the gall to take photos of Lana if she was attending Mass of her coming and going and maybe they would sneak in a camera into church. Something like this happened to Kobe Bryant in LA where someone took a picture of him at Mass and Kobe freaked out.
  10. Lana is Roman Catholic. Today is Feast of the Assumption which is a holy day of obligation. On holy days of obligation Roman Catholics are supposed if they area able to attend mass. Other days are Feast of Immaculate Conception, All Saints' Day, Ash Wednesday, New Year's Day, Sundays and a few others I can't remember. Gee I thought you guys knew everything about Lana.
  11. LOL. Today is feast of the Assumption. The day when Mary was assumed body and soul into heaven. Since Mary was perfect and committed no sin she was spared the pain of human death and assumed into heaven. Lana is almost perfect. So I wonder if any paparazzi pics of Lana will show up on line today. LOL. You figure the Daily Mail and Sun would pay premium prices.
  12. This is good news. I can't wait for a new album and tour. With this success of SS of an album over a year old is awesome. I think the attention she got in Europe and her Lollapalooza show has increased her marketing in the US. I have always felt that she was more popular in the US than believed.
  13. Her music. I like her style of alternative, indie, sadcore, lounge, and gangsta Nancy Sinatra. She is also very very pretty and she has a great voice.
  14. If I can't get a hug and kiss from Lana I'd gladly take being flipped off.
  15. I actually think that when Lana releases her third album and does a US tour we'll get a good biographical article or book even. I have a feeling that some serious journalists and writers and working on this. Of course I would love to see Lana write an autobiography or perhaps even an unauthorized autobiography. That would be cool to do that.
  16. I think the fact that the Daily Mail makes a big deal out of this shows to me why she's living in America. No tabloid trash to deal with in LA.
  17. The line at 7 was on the sidewalk on N. Dearborn. I know that where I was standing I was right under the HoB sign. There were more people behind us. The line almost went to the River on Dearborn. I am hoping she does a US tour and stops in the Twin Cities or Milwaukee or Chicago or Detroit. I live in the twin cities so I am hoping to meet her then. I hope to work any connections that I may have at the venue she plays at to meet her. I think the best way to meet her would be when she leaves and enters the venue or at the airport or outside the hotel. Or I can get there early and hope I get in the front row. Now it can get really cold in Minnesota so if she has a winter tour date waiting outside could be tough. LOL.
  18. Awesome. I was at both shows also I wasn't able to get as close as you. I saw Icona Pop and they were pretty good. I think though that Lana started on time at House of Blues. I am pretty sure she started at 10 which was the announced time. I got in line at HoB at 7:00pm. I got into Chicago at about 3:30 and had a beer and ate before I went and I got a little lost in the Loop. Good pictures and thanks for sharing. I am wondering who else on this board saw Lana both times.
  19. I think it would be better if you left the "is this offensive to certain ethnic or racial minorities in the USA" to Americans. I am seeing a Brazilian and a Canadian arguing over whether something is offensive to some Americans. We are pretty good at that ourselves and those of you from other countries unless you've lived in the US for awhile just don't get it and you look foolish arguing whether or not something is offensive to certain Americans.
  20. Some of you are taking this way too far which is cool in a way. But you to have understand that a lot of artists choose lyrics because of the way they sound and while they may have meaning they may not be biographical. In some ways her lyrics are like Bob Dylan or even S Malkmus of Pavement. Sometimes she may just like the way they sound and may have picked up influences somewhere.
  21. Look she can't do every song in her catalogue. She generally only has sets from an hour to an hour and a half at most.
  22. I am visiting Michigan and the bar had a digital jukebox via the cable company (comcast). You can literally get all music in pop/rock/country/hip hop/R&B and I kid you not I saw Born to Die, Paradise, and Lizzie Grant AKA Lana Del Rey. AKA was officially available for about two months so there are legal legit copies are there and I guess the digital jukebox company download and has AKA available for play. I guess the way the jukebox works is that you pay and pick songs and the songs are digitally download to a hard drive. The jukebox is not very big about the size of a big microwave oven. It has a screen where you can touch and the songs you want and you can scroll and and type in the artist and low and behold Lana Del Rey gives you all three of her albums. So next time you are in a bar with a digital jukebox see if you can find Lana.
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