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Everything posted by PennCentralFan

  1. I have a feeling that Lana would have gone platinum in the US with 1 million in sales if it weren't for music sharing.
  2. She did in Chicago at Lollapalloza. We don't know if she meant Chicago, the United States or a city near you. LOL.
  3. Youth sells more in the music biz. From Mozart to now that's how it goes. If 1D were even 5 years older they wouldn't be what they are. It's the same way with Taylor Swift--though she is a talented songwriter. I can imagine record companies wanting Lana to be younger, but Lana's music I think isn't dependent on age.
  4. Yay! I was one of the crowd singing it perfectly.
  5. The VMAs should not be taken seriously. I wouldn't be mad or sad if she doesn't win or doesn't appear. But Lana is getting some serious street cred from her Europe tour and her lollapalooza set.
  6. I think she's going to do more US promotions and shows. She has received great reviews from her lollapalooza set.
  7. Who knows? Start saving money now or do some babysitting or some odd jobs to earn some money. Working for extra money can be as satisfying as waiting 13 hours in line. Remember the extra money goes to Lana who worked hard for years to be successful. A devoted fan who works extra is just as devoted as a fan who waits 13 hours in line.
  8. If you put away 5 bucks a week and maybe sold stuff you don't want anymore or took a job or worked overtime or extra hours you could get up to 300.00 in a few months.
  9. I totally respect that you took the time and waited and did what it took. The older you get the harder it is to do that so do that now. How did you handle food, water, bathrooms and so on?
  10. Yeah if people let you in then fine. But at the lolla show it was so crushing within the first 20 yards that when someone tried to move through the crowd sort of moved like a wave and you had no control over where you were going and people were pushed around and almost crushed.
  11. I know what you mean. But at places with floors pushing your way through may not be tolerated if you didn't get there early and no one will care if you're short or that you HAVE to be near. Basically in the US if you want to be in the first row at floor shows you have to get there early and pushing your way through may not work in that people won't let you through regardless of how much you try. Now at theater and arena shows were people pay more to be upfront you most likely won't get through in that they have ushers and security and you have to show your ticket to be upfront. The concert business is changing in North America. For many acts you have to pay to get up front and the ushers and security make sure only those who paid gets up front. The US is more about you either pay to get up front or you earn your spot up front by getting their early and waiting. It's more fair that way.
  12. In my opinion just pushing your way through to the front would make people mad in the States regardless of how many shows she has played. From my experience in the US you either pay for up front seats or you get there early for up front seats. Pushing your way through isn't well tolerated UNLESS you like came with friends who saved your spot and you like told the others around you you have to go to the bathroom or want to get something to drink in case you better bring drinks for others.
  13. Yeah there were some people at lolla who acted like they had some divine right to be up front and pushed their way through after frightened rabbit and in the intermission. No one has any right to be upfront unless you paid specifically to be up front. I heard someone say at lolla about me that I was like a brick wall in that I wouldn't move. LOL.
  14. It depends. I know there were people who waited 8 to 9 hours at lolla to get up front. I don't know how they managed food and water and going to the bathroom and spending a few hours in the hot sun. For a good four hours I estimate you were in the sun. I imagine if you went with a group of friends they could hold your spot up until about 2-3 hours before the show. I saw some bitchy behavior among some fans at the end of the HoB show. I did notice some tempers got flared but not much at lolla considering how crowded and hot and it was. Like I said I thought some people were in danger of getting hurt.
  15. Yup it was. There some folks who got there hours earlier and never got up close. What I don't get is that there weren't as many people in front of me in line as there were people in front of the stage when I got in. Seriously there were more people in front of the stage than there was when I got I got in line. I am not complaining since I was close on the floor and it's a small venue, but something happened. LOL.
  16. A lot of artists who tour North America do this. Based on the arena tour of Europe my guess is that she will do it in North America because it makes sense. It's basically because music sharing has cut into revenues for artists. In all honesty I would prefer she not do it so anyone has the opportunity to pay the same price and get up close, but I wouldn't blame her one bit if she did. Remember the extra money you spend goes to support her and her art. Let me tell you how disappointing it is to want to buy tickets for a concert and see that the show has sold out before you even got a chance to get tickets due to scalpers and ticket brokers paying people to get online and use bots to scoop up tickets. One nice thing about some VIP packages is that you have to show iD and you get a wristband which cuts down on the scalpers and brokers. The sad thing about the North America ticket market for more bigger acts and Lana is now at that level is that ticket brokers and scalpers cut in and the VIP packages do a little bit to discourage those leaches. So start saving up now! Work extra hours if you can and sell some stuff you don't want anymore.
  17. Wow 270 for a regular ticket. That's crazy. That is like up front floor tickets in the us. Lolla was 270 for three days. I would pay in the low hundreds for a Minnesota vip package since I live in the area.
  18. First do you think when Lana tours the USA will she have VIP packages? I mean many artists have VIP packages where you get a upfront seat in the first rows, a goodie bag, party, reception and sometimes you do get to meet the artist for photos and autographs! Those are often done for theater shows also. I wonder how big venues will be when she tours North America. I don't know if she'll do arena tours or theater tours or club tours. There are venues for theaters where you can fit 2,000 people and some clubs can fit that many. Now I know many of us want to camp out and go crazy and get upfront but artists can make some very good extra money for doing VIP packages and with so much music sharing many artists have lost revenue that has to be made up somehow via tours and vip packages. VIP packages rose in the need to make up for lost record sales. So let's say ViP packages were available where you got in the front row, got a goodie bag and got a meet and greet. Would you pay the 200 to 300 to 400? Madonna VIP where you didn't get to meet her went for 1500.00 LOL. I am very lucky in that i have a good job and considering how much I spent going to Chicago for two days including hotel, meals, beer, parking etc. I think I would do it if she came and offered a VIP package for the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. Now if she didn't offer a VIP package I would get there early and hang out before and after for a chance to meet her and get in the front row.
  19. Good story sorry you missed her at the end of the show, but hey you were pretty close and touched her at the concert. Start saving for a Lana Del Rey ticket fund because the next time she comes she might do like VIP packages where you get up close BUT you have to pay extra.
  20. Yes I know what you mean. Like I said I think it's dumb to have a feud between Lana's European and American fans. But to answer your question it is not that unusual for some Americans when they go to Europe to start dissing America and saying how great Europe is. Some people do that. Maybe they want fit in in Europe or appear cool but that happens. Plus some of her "negative" comments about America came in light of the criticism she took for her SNL appearance. And she might have wanted to play to an European audience by saying how cool Europe is compared to America. I also would agree that she was misquoted since the British and European press is notorious for making stuff up like the Sun and other European tabloids. Plus when you spend a lot of time outside of American you tend to realize there's no place like home.
  21. I agree with her on Rah, rah, America!" Fuck that shit. I am pretty liberal. But it really is foolish for there to be feud between European and American fans. We all love Lana and it was pretty clear to those at the shows that she really loved the reception and shows in America and was happy to be back in America. I'm pretty sure she will like being in Europe again.
  22. Dude, she loves America. She is an American and her songs and videos are full of American iconography. You could tell at the show she was truly overjoyed at the reception she got in her home country. It was a triumphant return. The people at the shows loved her. We all love Lana! America is the home of second chances and she has made it in her home country which is great validation for her and her family and friends. I am sure she loves all of her fans in Europe and is eternally grateful to them but there is nothing like an American being successful in your home country. Everyone wants to come back home and be loved. It's okay for Lana and Americans to love each other.
  23. Some other thoughts. I was happy to see so many people want to see her and it was awesome to hear so many people sing along with her music. I am happy for her success. Kudos to those of you who camped both days to get up close. I am a hoping for a Minneapolis/St. Paul tour date to get up close and or meet her outside the venue since I live in MN. The thing is that I wanted to experience more of lolla instead of spending all day at the grove, I saw Icona Pop and did some walking around. I was wondering how those of you spent 10 hours at the grove how you managed to get food/water and go to the bathroom? It was crazy how that after Frightened Rabbit finished EVERYONE stayed! I mean no one in the first 20 yards in front of the stage left. In fact it more crowded as people began pushing. I was a little worried about people getting hurt. One thing is that it's rude in my opinion to try to push up front. That was part of the problem. If you have to be up front and it is your life's ambition then get there hours early and wait. Don't try to be a jerk or bitch and squeeze through and tell people you "HAVE" to be up front. I made the decision to not have to be in the first row so I was happy being about 15 yards away. It was closer than any arena or stadium show and I got to see her close. You could clearly see her face and her emotions. I am hoping to get up close when she comes to Minnesota or so. I will make plans to be up close. I have friends who work and or know people at the music venues in the area so I'm hoping for a close encounter some day either by waiting or by luck. At other venues you can wait outside the backdoor and get a meet and greet. But if it doesn't happen then that's fine. I got to see her more than a lot of others who can't see her. She is so good to her fans. I am happy to see her attract a larger audience. Now I heard some fans claiming that she was getting too popular and that there were so many fans who don't know all her music that it was unfair that they were closer. LOL. It's good that she is getting more popular and share her with others. No one has a monopoly on her and yes there are VIP people who pay the bucks to get close and who luck out or spend hours waiting. That's the way things go. Enjoy her music and her success. Lana is set for life when you consider her dad is pretty good with money and she is a talented songwriter. I am sure she truly loves her fans equally. Those who have known her since AKA to those who only know one song but who PAID to see her are all good fans.
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