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Everything posted by delley

  1. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gFBKLBkricwMIjJSKsUcvJcHT89vWQNK full concert
  2. Has anyone caught up on the part when she sings "Do you think about heaven? Ah, ha Do you think about me? My pastor told me When you leave all you take Ah, ha" and especially those ah, ha are really similar to I can Fly's melody? From the first listening it really sounded very familiar, and I think that's just it.
  3. https://www.reddit.com/r/lanadelrey/comments/iw90hl/lana_holding_hands_with_who_appears_to_be_her_new/
  4. delley

    Azealia Banks

    'the quarantine got the bitch snacking' I died
  5. delley

    Instagram Updates

  6. https://scontent.fwaw5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/70278929_2770359692997174_8816035315572539392_o.jpg?_nc_cat=108&_nc_oc=AQnKLwiA3R9ikXc3wTA_zvyDcGpDoR28ByczXzKAc-dSoowMHxh9hUknqt0yt1TG8Ck&_nc_ht=scontent.fwaw5-1.fna&oh=ad5fa8d0d4e82cf66be0be53098cccbe&oe=5DF893FB wow...
  7. Why didn't she keep HTD only with the piano just like she did at apple event
  8. delley

    The Greatest

    Does anybody know what might mean “ The culture's lit and if this is it, I had a ball” I mean what is the idea behind “ball”
  9. If anyone is interested in the history behind the cover...
  10. since she's a baddie i think it will be pink neon
  11. delley


    Do u think it is related? “Bad beginning to my new year” and “how it gave you everything and took your life away” https://twitter.com/lanadelrey/status/153573739542482944?lang=en the song being about Rob, her ex who died from a heroin overdose at the end of 2011.
  12. “Lana is going to keep music out. She’s got another album in the works and her fanbase is as rabid as ever.” — Ben in a new interview. On the one hand, the truth, and the other she has got used fanbase for quickly publishing more records and promising different things that do not appear, so people are interested, among others such as; whether she is still planning an album with unreleased songs or a new video
  13. https://www.instagram.com/p/BhxEZJHj0CS/?tagged=lanadelrey ONLY SEVENTEEN
  14. I am really surprised by the fact that Salvatore and Religion get many high points, I never really understood those two.
  15. does anybody have link to when the world was at war? can't find any
  16. delley

    Dua Lipa

    Does anybody have a link to the performance of Be The One at Teen awards?
  17. it is not like there is a new album and other ones, but there's still time for BTD.
  18. https://www.pscp.tv/w/1kvKpjYLDnoJE?q=lana+del+rey enjoy kiddos
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