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Everything posted by MrFameKills

  1. If Quavo happens to be in Boston, maybe they can debut it live idk
  2. We are entering LUST FOR LASSO era omg
  3. We'll deal with these repercussions later, we need to focus on it getting released first
  4. Oh i was not excited for this but this new snippet is sooo good...i need it now
  5. Ben's post about Lana's award having Salvatore as audio
  6. "no major releases" LASSO is a minor, her most youtful record is coming
  7. Oh it's giving "Ed, i did it again" aka Rock Candy Sweet 2.0
  8. Who's foaming ma? I'm explaining casually why you're wrong
  9. Even if that were true, if he has backstage access he can ask her whatever he likes if he sees her, just like any fan can on the streets so long as you're not crossing any boundaries so...
  10. Thunderstorms and rain were also in the forecast for Milano up until the warm up acts finished but it did not rain at all, so stay strong sistren
  11. Btw the show is timed so perfectly so that Lana can not acknowledge fans chanting for songs. Not 1 second breather - either an interlude is playing or a song is starting lol. And she goes backstage so quickly Rip Salvatore, maybe next year
  12. Getting back to the airbnb after the show was...a whirlwind She was ethereal, this was my first time seeing her live. Even with a mid setlist, it's so much less noticable when you're actually there, time flew by so quickly. Maybe if you see the same show 10 times, it'd get boring with all the ballads - i think at certain points the setlist doesnt really flow...i always said i wanted Bartender to be cut, but it actually fits so much better than NFR imo I may be missing the whole concept but to me it gave off this roaring 20s extravaganza mansion with all the dancers running around the stage. But it starts off all dark and creepy as if its long been forgotten and we just watch 1 hour of their ghosts playing around and it ends with the jazzy "will you still love me", they dance around with the champagne bottles and then all disappear and we get that same somber and desolate mansion. Kinda gave me Rebecca by Hitchcock vibes in a way. Anyways, i loved it, it was worth the heat and the backpain and everything. Definitely gonna get pit tickets next time though. Also her vocals were on point, she might not sing hope and only 3 lines from West Coast were live, BUT when she goes for it, she nails it. And the first warm up act Clara is getting some streams from me
  13. Yas queen We're almost at the barricade that separates the pit, honeatly i could have come 2 hours later and still would have gotten a similar spot
  14. Tyy ❤️ We'll be there around 2pm trying not to die from nerves
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