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Everything posted by RonnieDRocks

  1. I am loving it! Very sophisticated song structure. Haunting, seductive, and riveting. I think I need to listen to it again to really let it all sink in. Great job Lana!!
  2. Damn I didn't see that. This sucks. Guess I will have to look for videos tomorrow. Thanks!
  3. Anyone watching it on the live stream tonight? Her set is from 8:15 - 9:05 'West Coast' Time http://www.complex.com/music/2014/04/coachella-festival-day-three-live-stream
  4. I think Go Go Dancer is one of Lana's most sexy and seductive songs. I wish she would put out an official version because that song is killer.
  5. West Coast has so many meanings. It could mean the hippie vibe as far as lyrics go, or it could mean the seedy underside of Hollywood. I can't wait to hear the song so I can disect it. lol
  6. I find it interesting how some people are already tired of some of Lana's most signature tunes. One thing I noticed, at least when I listen to her music, is that it helps to be in the right frame of mind. Her music is very cerebral and nothing sounds like it. I don't worship any pop stars but I give credit where it's due and Lana deserves it. She writes amazing music even if some of the same lyrics and ideas show up in multiple songs. Look at Stevie Nicks' songwriting for example, there are constant themes all through her music and it helped her develope her own sound. Lana is doing the same thing, and I hope continues developing her craft. I was listening to Born to Die and Paradise while drivng through the countryside for work today. It was a beautiful Spring day and Lana made it even more wonderful. I still don't think she gets the credit she is due even from some of her "fans." If Lana puts out shit music I will call her on it, but so far I have yet to be disappointed. When the single drops we will all be able to have our say.
  7. From the better sounding video I think West Coast might be a little more up tempo, at least from the way she is singing the lyrics and the rythm. I cannot wait to hear it! She looked stunning and is starting to get more comfortable on stage for sure. This is going to be a magical summer thanks to Lana!
  8. I'm up at 3 a.m. because I can't sleep so I come here and hear this. I think my sub-concious was telling me to wake up and check Lana Boards lol Lana looks amazing in the dress and West Coast sounds amazing even from just these snippets.
  9. Direction is always subjective to the observer. If you are standing on your head you'r right and left get all mixed up! lol I do like Neil a lot too. He is up there with Hitchens and Dawkins IMO.
  10. The page isn't loading for me so I can't see the new stuff. Either way this is so exciting! I can't wait to hear a totally new song from Lana and start the next era!
  11. I just listened to the entire Ultraviolence album and it's a mix between The Chipmunks Christmas and Tiny Tim on Acid. People are gonna love it! *please note sarcasm*
  12. I can't wait to have new Lana music for the Summer. The anticipation of hearing her direction on the new album is almost unbearable.
  13. This song fits right in alongside Born to Die and Paradise. Great song interpretation by Lana.
  14. It's a perfect Lana interpretation IMO. Even though her songs have a meloncholic tinge to them, I still find them uplifting. I'm just happy we got a new song that we have never heard! (by Lana).
  15. Just Jared is streaming the whole song! http://www.justjared.com/2014/01/26/lana-del-rey-once-upon-a-dream-full-song-listen-now/
  16. When I heard Lana's voice on the commercial my ears perked up and I was instantly mesmerized. She brings magic to everything she does.
  17. They even took out "oh, my god" and replaced it with "oh, my gosh." LOL Much more effective.
  18. I like the remix more than the orignal. I usually listen to that then the Summertime Sadness remix since they go great together.
  19. I can't wait to hear her interpretation. It will be probably be somewhat dark since the movie is as well. Maybe like a Blue Velvet vibe.
  20. Sometimes when an artist is in the beginning stages of album development they have a certain idea of what sound they want, but end up with something totally different. A lot of ideas and plans get scrapped if a certain sound starts to rise to the surface during the songwriting and song discussion. I can't see Lana going totally stripped down, but then again the slower songs do suit her voice better.
  21. Born to Die and Paradise fit perfectly together, both sonicly and lyricly. What I find interesting is that Lana definitely has her own sound, but it's such a motley mixture of influences that it's hard to describe. All of the leaks and music recorded prior to Born to Die/Paradise are almost like she is trying to find and hone her sound, with some difficulty getting it just right. I hope she does go a little more pop and not as cerebral on the next record. Go Go Dancer, Playing Dangerous, Serial Killer, Match Made in Heaven are all killer tracks and suit her vulnerable/sex kitten diva vibe. That would be a killer album right there lol
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