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Everything posted by DCooper

  1. Imagine the campaign doesn't start until March and we're here refreshing like maniacs all month
  2. However on the other hand, the beginning of February seems like the perfect time to begin. Intuition back ON
  3. On Monday I was completely sure we were getting a song this week, but now I'm not so sure
  4. If we're getting two more singles, I want Sweet and Candy Necklace. If we're getting one, I want A&W
  5. We made it to February!!! In my dream last night there was a music video for The Grants and I just remember this large bookcase and this miniature Lana was climbing around the shelf and opening up different books and diving into a memory before walking around the bookshelf looking for the next memory it was so cute LOL I don't remember what the song sounded like though
  6. Lana pre-releases really do make us all crazy, looking forward to finding peace again post-release LOL
  7. Garbage commented on Cat Power's post:
  8. I think they've all been super hyped up in their own ways but this one feels special to me at least. NFR's final month leading to the album was incredible though, and LFL's whole rollout was fun.
  9. Really hoping the silence is just the insiders finally letting Lana have this one surprise drop. A&W deserves
  10. 38 days until the original release date, that seems so much more reasonable than 52 days Maybe the delay isn't Miley or vinyl related, but they just needed more time for all the exciting things they have planned for the campaign
  11. So we have a campaign on the way that will once again prove why Lana is a visionary
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