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Everything posted by DCooper

  1. lmao A&W in the news for their joke tweet about adding pants to their bear mascot and people taking it seriously American Whore incoming
  2. They were wrong to purposely mislead but the fact that some people were actually expecting something after even Lana sassed them is just as funny I did think the article would at least have more interesting speculation on what's to come though, but it really was just basic summarizing of some details of her career. I fear that Empire of Lounge isn't long for the entertainment industry. Unless this was for a high school project, then I wish them all the best
  3. Really? They printed it with both lyrics? (Sorry mods this is so off topic )
  4. I do hear "it's of age" but it literally says "it's our bane" in the official vinyl so that lyric obviously has some merit lol
  5. Some of you must be trolling at this point. Like it's one thing to say you hear mind and justify why, but it's another to suggest that marred wouldn't make any sense. Anyways, there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd.
  6. If it is mind (it's not) then she should change it because marred is far superior. I can't help but feel somewhat like my body marred my soul is truly one of her most profound lyrics ever
  7. The way you're so wrong but you are not ready for that convo (tbh I did think this at first lolol but it's definitely marred)
  8. I will be more than happy to be proven wrong but I'm quite sure that the article will be nothing but speculation on everything we already know, and Lana has no idea who they are. She probably came across it randomly and was like huh? If it was legit, I think they would have responded to her comment, they were responding to lots of other people but not the queen herself? Her comment probably scared them a bit LOL
  9. You can clearly hear the "th" sound, it's definitely thrive (Although the girl she thew into the wasteland begs to differ )
  10. Imagine a tour of obscure venues and lounges, just a small band, intimate crowd, and Lana singing her heart out Of course this will never happen and if it did it would be impossible to get tickets, but one can dream
  11. I think it'll be a bit of both, a very all-encompassing exploration of the family dynamic.
  12. But why does she need to re-spark that joy? Obviously I would love a tour and music videos if we got them but the music will always be the only truly important aspect and if she keeps delivering constant quality like she has been her whole career I can't imagine insisting that she should become more of a popstar. Clearly that's not what makes her happy so I personally don't really care if she never returns to touring and big music videos if she doesn't enjoy those things.
  13. With new Lana albums I always find a quiet place to sit by the water and smoke a little joint and ascend Then I'll go home and listen again on my speakers and obsess over every detail.
  14. January has been sinister but I agree that February will fly by and then March will be magical
  15. Maybe he'll Snow on the Beach her
  16. He'd be crazy not to have at least one song with Lana on his solo
  17. Rob posted a picture of himself at a piano with the caption "an interesting year ahead of us" I wonder if this means more than just Lana's album. Maybe his solo debut, and maybe Lana has more in the works?
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