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Everything posted by DCooper

  1. There's no way A&W won't be amazing. Say what you want about Jack but if he's hyping it as the best thing they've ever done together after some of the masterpieces they've created and it's 7 minutes long it's gotta be for a reason. We're in for a jawdropper
  2. DCooper


    Omg I just listened to this album with no expectations, I've only heard one of her songs before, and wow I loved it!! Can't wait to listen again and take in the lyrics more, but the whole thing is a great vibe.
  3. It's about this man who returns home after being missing for four years and reconnects with his young son, and the two go off on a journey to find the boy's mother who ran off. It's a real contemplative slow burn and so beautiful! I suspect we may be getting into some Patty issues on this song
  4. Question for the mods: how much of a time commitment would you say it really is?
  5. @prettywhenimhigh @West Coast thank you both for your supportive words!! I probably won't apply but I will at least give it some more thought
  6. I'm too entertained by the messiness to effectively clean it up
  7. I would be a good moderator in theory but a bad moderator in practice Good luck to the applicants I'm sure there are some great options!
  8. My desperate brain tricked me into thinking we didn't have the Candy Necklace link yet
  9. I don't understand aha music enough to know how to respond to this @hotshot2am send help
  10. I'm an insider too sometimes #DCooperExclusive
  11. You guys must be extra bored tonight
  12. Maybe the Jon Baptiste interlude is a conversation between the two, a little performance art
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