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Everything posted by DCooper

  1. Imagine Waist Deep in Icy Waves was for this album all along
  2. The way this is going to be objectively good and some of you will still make fun of him Congrats to Rob! Can't wait to hear it
  3. He said they were unhappy but then he said his reason was the date being removed I think so I doubt he has any more insight than that. He's also a known pot stirrer and knew the meltdowns he would cause lol. Apologies if I misunderstood your original point, I may have reacted too quickly to "all she’s doing is fucking over her fans" which I strongly disagree with, but all good. We are in for an exciting few weeks! I suspect many more rollercoasters along the way LOL
  4. We don't even know if there were any dramatics. All Eclipse implied was that the date was removed, we and probably he have no idea why. I would bet it's still coming next week, and there were no actual dramatics lol I do agree that her team should have clarified the album delay better, but at this point it is what it is, they're always going to be like this so I'm not sure why people get so worked up about it. A two week delay is tiny in the grand scheme of things, overall this era seems to be running really smoothly and we have tons to be excited about in the coming weeks.
  5. Disagreement lol. Sorry but I think it's very dramatic to suggest Lana is fucking over her fans by not giving us promo. Her output is insane, she gives us so much. Promo is fun but it's really just a bonus. The music industry is toxic and I'm proud of her for finding a place where she can live a happy life out of the limelight while also being one of the biggest artists in the world. She really could not say a word before or after March 24th and just let the album speak for itself if that's what she really wants to do. Thankfully though we know that's not the case because we know we have several magazines coming soon, so it seems like we will be getting some solid promo no matter what in the coming weeks. People just need to chill, we're not even supposed to know about A&W coming next week so today's meltdowns were particularly unwarranted.
  6. Maybe Kintsugi wasn't suggesting anything new, just saying don't be mad at Eclipse for sharing the bad news of the release date being removed?
  7. Stay calm bbs we don't even know what's happening other than Eclipse randomly dropping bombs and watching us scramble. We have no idea if they're being unprofessional or not because we're not supposed to know any of this, and we don't know what their current thinking is. If we hold onto hope we'll have a happy ending, I still think the song is coming Valentine's Day (or sooner)
  8. Even though it seems like we know a lot, I also feel like we know very little. The fact that we've heard almost no snippets is amazing, and people's descriptions always paint a different picture for everyone and then the end result is something else. We are definitely in for an unexpected journey no matter what
  9. As excited as I am 11AM on Valentine's Day is actually so inconvenient, I won't be able to listen all day but I won't be able to stop myself from reading your excitement
  10. We don't actually know what her team is mad about. If they're mad that we found out the length and info on iTunes that's silly, but I don't blame them for being annoyed about some of the details insiders are spilling.
  11. Imagine thinking that any of Lana's songs are terrible like even her worst are better than most music
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