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Everything posted by DCooper

  1. I am still on a high from Kimbra's incredible concert last night, she was WILD
  2. Venice Bitch is my favourite song of all time but it's not really possible to fairly compare them at this point, A&W has had 5 days, Venice Bitch has had almost 4.5 years. Both are absolutely career-defining songs that do really unique things and further prove Lana as an artist like no other. They're also polar opposites in a really interesting complimentary way. A&W has this frantic urgency to it and a real darkness beneath the surface, where Venice Bitch feels like an entire life distilled into a song and has this hynotic meandering quality to it. I love both songs so much
  3. I still can't believe I legally purchased Blue Banisters at the store a week early Manifesting a similar situation come March 10th
  4. Oh believe me, me too! I can't stand when people are like this is going to be her first true album since NFR!! Like what...Chemtrails and Blue Banisters are both essential albums, and I don't think Lana would be at a point to write a song like A&W without exploring what she did on the last two albums. Everything she does builds upon what comes before it. I don't doubt for a second that in the future all her albums will be regarded highly for their own unique contributions to her story.
  5. I know you're not talking about people here! I'm more so talking about non-Lana fans that are taking to the song. Two of my friends whenever I sent them Lana songs they're like "it's good" or "it's nice" and I know they never listen again, but both of them in the past few days of told me that they can't stop listening to A&W and they're obsessed, so I think the song is genuinely capturing people's attention outside of Lana's main fanbase, and I think that says a lot of about the nature of the song and how special it is
  6. I agree, all those songs are masterpieces too. But I really don't think people's love for A&W is inauthentic or just because they like to bop to the ending. Like maybe the length and the second half are what gets people talking, but then they're captivated by the whole thing and recognize it for how strong it is. If anything, it may convince some of those people to dive deeper into Lana's work and discover songs like White Dress, Chemtrails, etc. I think this album in general is going to open a lot of people's eyes to Lana and she's going to be respected on a larger scale.
  7. A lot of people who I know who don't care for Lana's music have really been loving it, and not just because of the second half. The first half is some of her best songwriting ever, the guitar and piano work is just sublime and her performance is so captivating. I think it makes sense that this song is hitting so hard. Not to say that all her music doesn't because it does, but I think a lot of people don't take the time to properly listen to Lana so they dismiss her on a surface level, but A&W kind of demands to be heard and is catching people's attentions quicker.
  8. There is such an urgency to A&W, it's the most riveting song she's ever done I think There's actually an urgency to both songs we have that's really interesting, like she needs to tell these stories I am so excited for this album
  9. It's a known fact that the gp is dumb af Thank god Lana isn't making decisions with the general public in mind
  10. I fell asleep singing A&W, I woke up singing A&W - I am consumed Also even my friends who are lukewarm to Lana have been texting me saying they can't stop listening
  11. The way this part feels kind of quieter and hushed is sooo good, it feels like we're slipping out the back door with him as they talk, it's got such a sneaky vibe to it
  12. I think she's just having fun tbh, all her comments on TikTok tonight have been fun and silly, and you can clearly hear the difference when she switches between Shimmy and Jimmy in the song
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