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Everything posted by DCooper

  1. I really am getting Laura Palmer vibes from this song. Laura was always writing in her secret diary about her darkest and innermost thoughts, which is exactly the feeling this song and I think the album in general will be giving, matched beautifully with the album art of Lana looking like a girl from the past full of secrets of her own that will start to spill out as her restlessness gets the best of her. The second part is so fascinating because it's like we rewind back to a place where the version of Lana that's singing doesn't see the darkness that we can see, it is all fun and games for her. She does wanna get high with Jimmy over and over, she does think it's funny when his mom calls, she does just wanna vibe without a thought beyond the repetition of an endless good time. But through the questions asked in the first half of the song and the menacing production that follows, we're able to see an outcome that she doesn't see yet. Even Laura Palmer had fun walking with fire until it was too late
  2. lmao my friend just wrote me and said that the lyrics on Spotify are confusing LOL
  3. In before it's a devastating reflection on her last happy moment with Patty as a child getting tacos on Venice beach before their relationship changed forever
  4. jimmyonlylovemewhenhewannagethigh jimmyonlylovemewhenhewannagethigh jimmyonlylovemewhenhewannagethigh jimmyonlylovemewhenhewannagethigh
  5. A&W should not have a music video imo. The song is too dark and raw with more than enough to unpack as is. Unless it was a masterpiece directed by David Lynch of course, but a White Dress treatment would just be wrong for this song
  6. Exactly! Every single album plays an important part in the story she's telling, and I can't wait to see how everything comes together on the full album. This one really feels monumental
  7. I really am in awe of this song, there is such a sinister edge to it that's just incredible
  8. I feel like we're going to slowly but surely shed the darkness and heal as the album goes on and by the time we reach the Taco Truck we'll be in pure bliss
  9. The way this has been out for one day and is already one of the best songs I've ever heard
  10. These lyrics are so completely brutal and it's amazing that it's the last verse she sings before the creepy reverse glitching begins and she throws us into the trap nightmare with Jimmy
  11. It's funny that everyone talks about how fun and boppy the second part is but I also find it very dark and unsettling. Like that party with Jimmy is not good vibes, even though the beat makes us think otherwise. It's like some trippy drugged up loop that we're stuck in where she just repeats the same toxic things about Jimmy over and over, and I think by repeating the lyrics from a song from the 1950s she's also making a statement that people have been living similar experiences to her for a very long time. It's obviously a vibe but there's a lot of darkness beneath the surface in that part too.
  12. Why though? Tons of great art takes time to understand. No lyric in this song is mumbled to the point of indecipherable, and maybe she doesn't want us to hear it all at once. There's a lot to unpack in this song, it's perhaps her boldest artistic statement yet. Also it seems like there are very few people who can't be bothered, almost everything I've read about the song is extreme praise so it seems like the vocals aren't much an issue.
  13. This album is going to be so intense, like there's really no doubt at this point that it's going to be her best
  14. The vocal mixing is obviously deliberate, she's like a drunk girl sharing her secrets at a party and you don't catch everything that she says at first, but repeated listens reveal more and more and then you're just like holy shit...
  15. This song will still be fresh when I'm 85 on my twenty millionth listen so I'm not too worried about overplaying
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