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Everything posted by DCooper

  1. I personally still find her lyrics to be relatable despite them becoming more personal. I don't think relatable has to mean "omg it's me she's singing about!" but instead being able to relate to the emotion behind it. I also don't want/need to be able to insert myself into all art. One of the best things about good storytelling is exploring that world and discovering the little details and connections to uncover a deeper meaning, that you can then apply to your own life and learn from if you choose to. As Lana's writing becomes increasingly personal, she's inviting us to dive even deeper into her life and discover things about her, that also reflect her observations of the world at large, and for me at least it makes her consistently thrilling to listen to.
  2. LOL I get wild on you, baby I get wild and fucking crazy like the color yellow, ooh-ooh
  3. Omg the amount of reviews I've seen mention pandemic weight gain in Black Bathing Suit and then move on to a different track blows my mind. This is like the track that they should be analyzing deeply considering it's a full drag of them, but instead they're just like wow Lana is so relatable singing about clothing sizes. In Lana's world I would say the colour blue is pretty wild and fucking crazy LOL she has used it throughout her whole discography to describe so many different emotions, some positive, some negative, so I love this acknowledgement in the song that the colour blue is all over the place in her world.
  4. Apparently this is unpopular now, but the singles from Blue Banisters are some of the best tracks she's ever released. Ethereal and sublime.
  5. And you aren't reading enough into the album What @Sportscruiser wrote about Living Legend and Cherry Blossom is actually very beautiful and true to the themes of motherhood on the record, so there's no need to undermine other people's analysis and tell them to let go. This is a discussion forum for Lana's music, this is exactly where we should be reading deeply into the album.
  6. This is so true. Lust for Life has always been misunderstood and called incoherent, even though its "incoherence" was exactly the point of the album, as it was about shedding one thing and building another. It's actually a really important turning point in her career and has led us directly to the sounds that we now have on Blue Banisters. If she ever revisits a more upbeat sound, I imagine it will be more in the vain of Black Bathing Suit or Dealer, and never really back to her earlier sounds.
  7. Again, no one says that you can't dislike the album, but you stated that people who love the album aren't true fans, which is obviously absurd lol. Clearly missing the point on why you caused a reaction in people... Anyways
  8. That's your opinion but I don't agree. If you don't want to take time with the album to understand the story she's telling that's your choice, but don't tell the rest of us that we're wrong for feeling how we feel. I repeat, this is a cohesive and complex album in my opinion, and your opinion doesn't change that. I also don't think Lana's making albums for new fans at this point. Lana is the kind of artist that just gets better and better as you listen to her entire output and analyze the development in her themes and sounds. She is very much a storyteller who builds upon all of her previous work, so who cares if Blue Banisters isn't going to make someone revisit her discography if they don't already listen to her, although I don't actually agree with you here as there are plenty of great songs on the album that will make people curious about the rest of her music.
  9. 1. Text Book 16 2. Blue Banisters 16 3. Arcadia 13 5. Black Bathing Suit 22 + 6. If You Lie Down With Me 21 7. Beautiful 11 8. Violets for Roses 17 9. Dealer 22 10. Thunder 16 - 11. Wildflower Wildfire 18 12. Nectar of the Gods 12 13. Living Legend 19 14. Cherry Blossom 7 15. Sweet Carolina 14
  10. Sorry but this is such a bad take. There are tons of people here who are genuinely loving the album and are certainly super fans, or we wouldn't be spending so much of our time on LanaBoards. It's fine if the album didn't click for you, but don't act like you're enlightened because of it, and those of us who think the album is brilliant and beautiful are either faking it or don't know what we're talking about. I actually feel like a true super fan is more likely to pick up on a lot of the intricacies of the album and absolutely understand what Lana was doing here. It's a great record with a cohesive and complex story.
  11. She's saying "you tried to trade in my new truck for Rollses" like Rolls Royces. She wants the simple life with a truck, and he wants her to live up the luxurious lifestyle that she's not interested in. I do think the message behind the song can apply to both a man and the public though, but I also think Beautiful takes a similar theme and applies it more explicitly to the public/fans who try to tell her what her art should be.
  12. 4 stars from Rolling Stone! Lana Del Rey Goes Deeper Than Ever on ‘Blue Banisters’ Her second album of the year is dense and abstract, turning inward and finding solace in sisterhood https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-album-reviews/lana-del-rey-blue-banisters-1245616/
  13. Omg that live was beyond adorable
  14. Rob saying "okay" at the beginning of Sweet Carolina is so precious
  15. I've said a lot of this already in the pre-release under spoilers but here are my expanded thoughts now that I've really had time to absorb the album. Sorry it's so long, just wanted to get all my thoughts down somewhere! Overall I think it's really spectacular, one of her best, though I find it very difficult to rank her albums because they are all so special and serve such specific purposes in her overall discography. This album manages to be deeply personal and fascinating, sad and funny, angry yet deeply loving. It is such a beautiful portrait of the various sides of Lana, and I think she absolutely succeeded in telling us her story the way that she wanted to. Text Book is a beautiful opening. She gets right to it with a song that opens the door to a ton of issues that she'll explore on the album. Gorgeous in every way, and the outro gives me complete chills. Arcadia is a magical work of genius. The way she starts things so simple and cute with this patriotic sound before slowly revealing that it's actually a take-down of America, and a sad realization that despite the deep connection she's formed to it, she has to leave for something better, is honestly just incredible songwriting. Interlude - The Trio is out of place for some people, but I think it fits perfectly. After the gentleness of the first three tracks, this interlude rings the alarm bells and tells us that we better be paying attention because a lot is simmering beneath the surface of this album. It's a great moment that picks up the pace and demands focus before leading into the standout track of the album. Black Bathing Suit might be the most important song of Lana's career. It's one of the most fascinating and vulnerable songs ever that invites you right into her psyche as she reflects on a very complicated existence. She manages to blend all over her previous sounds into one song, with unexpected tempo shifts that don't click on the first listen, but once they do, they could not be more perfect. The outro is stunningly chaotic and even though she's got the last laugh, you can really feel the emotional damage that the hate she receives causes by the way she chooses to let the song spiral out of control in those final moments. This song is just devastating and brilliant, like she mocks the haters while also revealing the pain that they cause. One of my favourite songs ever, and complete proof that Lana is so much more than a musician. She is truly an artist and is willing to lay it all on the table and experiment with her sounds, her words, and her performance, to create something so unique and powerful. If You Lay Down With Me is such a great song to come next, giving us this absolutely beautiful and classic Lana vibe, while also feeling so fresh. The lyrics are adorable and warm and truly make me want to spin around the room like a ballerina super high. The instrumental outro is a highlight of the whole album. Beautiful is so special. It didn't make as strong of an impression as some of the other tracks at first but the more you hear it the more it breaks your heart. The piano raindrops are so gorgeous, and the sentiment behind this song is extremely important. She's speaking to all of us and asking us to stop trying to change who she is as an artist. She's never going to change for us, nor should she ever need to. Violets For Roses expands on the themes explored in Beautiful. It wasn't one of my immediate favourites but the more that I listen the more addictive it becomes. Simple and beautiful and very classic Lana sounding, with a melody that's to die for, especially in the chorus. Dealer is an absolute knock out. Miles sounds great but Lana is obviously the real star here by a long shot. It's a complete thrill to hear her on this track. I understand people wishing that she sang the whole thing, but I think it works really well as a duet, and Miles' verses only make us long for Lana's return, which makes her moments even more rewarding. Thunder is amazing. I loved the original, I love this version too, and think it overall suits the album better. As many of you have said, the progression is excellent and the result is less repetitive than the song once was. She could have maybe kept a couple of the previous details to allow the song to build to something even rockier, but it's still wonderful as is. Wildflower Wildfire is another standout and almost like an initial climax of the album for me. The lyrics are some of her best and I absolutely love the way the song builds with her powerful declaration to be a wildflower, not a wildfire, even if it's a promise that can't last. Nectar of the Gods has always been one of my favourite unreleased. The stark guitar and vulnerable lyrics are out of this world gorgeous, and the final line is one of the most devastating moments on the album. It's like she needs the fire that she's abandoned in the last song after all, and by trying to tame herself, the flame that keeps her alive has gone out. Living Legend has also always been a favourite, and with its placement on this album, it's what brings her back to life. She struggles with her guilt and complex feelings, while admiring someone of inspiration to her, and comes to the realization that she's always been stuck between heaven and hell and she's tired of it. I think realizing these things about yourself helps lead to acceptance, which leads to healing. The electric guitar vocals are another highlight of the album and let her bring that burning passion back to the forefront. Cherry Blossom is so delicate and beautiful. After she goes through this journey of ups and downs through her life, to end on a touching lullaby to her future child, or to anyone who needs her, is really moving. The sentiment in this song is so important and it feels like a lesson that she's really learned through all her hardships, which leads us beautifully to the end of the album. Sweet Carolina is surely Lana's warmest and most adorable song ever. I love everything about it and it closes the album so well. The title track so early in the album shows her sister coming to save her, and here Lana returns to the favour with this beautiful love letter, assuring her (and us) that she'll always be there, and when sadness comes we can always dance away the blues. 10/10
  16. It's a 555 number which means it doesn't exist. That's why movies always use 555.
  17. WE MADE ITTTT Masterpiece through and through Goodnight my angels
  18. BYE BBs!!! See you tomorrow in the post release, have fun tonight everyone!!
  19. I'm so excited to read everyone's thoughts all day tomorrow in the post release thread
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