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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    There's no way that her next album won't mess up her career even more. if she does a SINGLE song with themes of mental illness, abuse or emotional content at all people are gonna see right through it. The criticism will be endless and I'm so ready Even the lyrics of Blue Knees which got leaked: "Just 'cause you say you love me Doesn't mean that I'm gonna look you in the eyes Pretend to be surprised And say I love you back I need a band-aid recovery Don't get too close 'cause you're really nothing to me You're just a band-aid on my knees You're just a band-aid recovery I'll rip you off when I bleed I'll rip you off when I bleed" Nothing is gonna work out for her Especially cause CB was about when she was growing up, the timeline is getting closer and closer to when she abused Timothy so ppl will be searching for clues everywhere
  2. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Idk, I think it's putting a lot of pressure on the victim by trying to get them to go to court. It could ruin their life too which is why so many don't go that far. This is a tricky case and I honestly don't think anything else will be said about it for a long time, if at all. The only justice Timothy will get is most of Melanie's old fans moving on from her. It seems she just let out the story so that other people can learn that Melanie really can't be trusted, and that sure as hell has worked. I probably should have quoted @Liabilitys post as well because it was more agreeing with him than backlashing at you, but oh well. It's been said and done... I still stand by what I said, but yeah I did go off topic for what you said. Sorry Not an excuse but I've been under bright af artificial lights in the laboratory staring into a microscope for 6 hours straight. It's messed with my head and my eyes so yeah.
  3. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Omg will you actually keep us updated? I wanna see if they give a shit Look this isn't even a court case yet and probably never will be. Even if it was, no one on this site would have anything to do with the outcome so just let us be good people and support Timothy like any decent person should? I'm sick of people thinking they are better by being the emotionless 'I'm so logical, facts only!!!' bc there is more at play here than just 'is melanie innocent?' Purely the way she handled it shows she is messed up and condescending, while still hiding the truth. That's enough for us to make our personal decision on her, and it turns out that the decision most of her old fan base has made is that Melanie ain't a great person, so goodbye
  4. Ultra Violet

    This or That

    Oh I mention anything like makeup, nail polish, fashion B/W socks Comic/anime art or oil paintings?
  5. Ultra Violet

    Song vs. Song

    Nooo Heroin vs. Blue Jeans
  6. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I laughed But I shouldnt have
  7. EDIT: Actually, what you said would be so true if she never releases another politically influenced song again. In fact, this may have actually made it difficult for her in the future. Like, if she ever releases that NY-pop influenced album she said she'd be down for, well that WOULD make LFL seem awkward, and if she just generally goes back to 'old lana has daddy issues and loves too much alcohol', then that would still be awkward and just goddamn im otherthinking this again.
  8. This is actually exactly what I thought prior to the album release. I think I remember saying something along the lines of "Lana did not grow up understanding why true justice and true feminism and equality is needed" etc, etc. And it kinda went on for several pages in the pre-release thread. I mean, I still don't think she is entirely there with SJW's (nor will she want that kind of prominence probably ever), but I definitely did not give her enough credit. As we heard with Change, I think she is definitely trying to get more educated. It might be awkward still, with those few political songs coming out of nowhere, but I think she is generally headed in a brave and rightful direction
  9. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Oh really? I didnt even remember tbh. It's funny how situations like this also show who is really probably not a great person anyway, even if they seemed nice before ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's cool we are on the same page now I never wanted you to do me anyway.
  10. Ultra Violet

    This or That

    Peonies Matte or glitter?
  11. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Buddy, I think you are the one who is entitled. Too entitled to know how important it is to believe victims, and clearly too entitled to realise how supporting abusive celebrities is dangerous for everyone. Jesus, what's next? preaching Trump 2020?
  12. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I just wanna thank you for being so real and relatable in your posts x Honestly it's times like this when I see who the real legends on lanaboards are So @ everyone else if I've been liking all your posts here too <3 Makes me proud that it could be Lana attracting more decent listeners (in general) than someone we used to know whom this thread is about
  13. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I've never been so ready to not hear an album
  14. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Nope I went on your profile so I knew I was correct when I assumed. You don't deny it either so... P. S. Contolling our bodies doesn't have to mean pushing people off who are violating it. It is as simple as having the right to not be touched by people without our permission.
  15. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    oh please not this shit again Lemme guess, youre also a male that does not understand what women go through in having control over their own bodies?
  16. I imagined his music would be like FJM and I was right. Can't wait to get into him
  17. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    The feminism part I meant was strictly about her supporting Yungelita. It actually has a lot to do with feminism, but her sexually abusing those girls is also about feminism. If you treat the abuse of males and females the same that is feminism you know And that too
  18. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Ultra speculation #1 : Perhaps she never came out as bisexual because then she knew she would be questioned about females she had been with before (even tho bisexuals shouldn't need to provide proof, it's a fact, we will always be questioned), and then the truth from these women would be closer to coming out. Ultra speculation #2 : Perhaps she never came out as a feminist cause she is not a fucking feminist and honestly doesn't care about anything until it's affected her personally. Not even being able to step into the shoes of friends she's abused and manipulated = anti feminist. Especially since she's friends with trash like Yungelita without shame, puts her in her music videos, promotes her, etc....
  19. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Had Melanie come out as bisexual even? If not it's even more fucked up that she used her 'closet' as a way to corner and manipulate others. Like she didn't think it was abuse because bisexuality is 'just a bit of fun' no matter what. How fucking dangerous is that..... It's also misogynistic if she never thought it was abuse just cause she doesn't have a penis and thought it wouldn't damage these girls as much as if she was a male I never did see her as a feminist so it all adds up now
  20. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I don't completely doubt this person as I have believed for some time that Melanie is hiding a lot (even though I still liked her until yesterday) But yes I think it's more about timothy at this point, as this girl also said. But yeah wearing someone down to your sexual advances is manipulation : / Lol I'm sure a lot of those people that just placed their items in the bin got them back out. My CD is still in my car. Still don't know what I'll do with it, but burning it is nice aesthetic
  21. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Yes that really sucks I just realised my situation was even more like Timothys. My abuser was my best friends boyfriend. I also did not act out because then I knew I'd be making the situation more real, and if it was more real I'd have to tell her. I was too scared shed blame me for trying to seduce him or something cause at the time they had some issues and hadn't had sex in a long time. You never know what kind of anxieties and external influences are going on that makes someone not fight back when they're being assaulted, clearly without consent It's okay, I'm glad you can understand now
  22. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I know this was hours ago but I was asleep. I have noticed that most of (if not all) of you "sceptical" People Are actually males?? When women think of the possibility of getting raped and assaulted our thoughts aren't "oh whoever does it is gonna get a beating from me".... It's pretty much " My life will be over the day that happens, I will never recover " We often don't "fight back" Because it is endowed upon us that we have no power, that it will happen to us sooner or later. It's very fucking scary. I have been assaulted by a friend that I trusted, in his room at night (it does not make it any less serious that Mel is female, an abuser is an abuser) and I was paralysed in fear too. I may not have been raped but I was molested and I know exactly how Timothy felt in those moments. I couldn't fight back because I was terrified. I count even cry or ask for help from my friend who was asleep in the same room. (Sorry I haven't read back through all the pages to see if this was resolved)
  23. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Apparently it's because Vines are dead, just like her career Mad Hatter is one of the worst tho :/ "Baby I'm mad, the craziest friend that youve ever had" Yes the craziest friend she ever had cause she raped her.....
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