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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I'm sure you were a great person before you said that
  2. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Just have to share this persons tweet https://twitter.com/sherdelano/status/937881642760396801 Friendship is not consent!
  3. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Another: Felony Martinez I'm sorry
  4. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Another said Little Body Big Burning Career Oh Jesus FUCK
  5. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I'm actually curious, what was it ? :')
  6. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Quote back all you like, I was never the one who said it xx
  7. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    You should really just change all the posts you made to nvm tbh
  8. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    If you just completely ignore Harlem you come off as someone who is trying to shut the victim up, and those supporting them. That's all. Yeah maybe Harlem should have taken a different approach but so should have you
  9. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I'm sorry but no matter how far Harlem went, I think it's clear that you are the one that don't care about rape in society
  10. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Actually they do understand, and that probably is very very low?
  11. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Finally someone who thinks! (And is educated)
  12. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Actually that's a good aesthetic. I'll do it for my insta regardless x Or shell be the playground bully
  13. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Good point, but ugh idk, I think it's too late for me to refund it from the store anyhow
  14. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I literally stanned her until 10 minutes ago. This is some SHIT to go through. Can't imagine how Timothy is feeling :/
  15. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I just bought the crybaby cd a few weeks ago. What do I do? Snap it? Burn the storybook pages and tag Melanie in it on Instagram? She sexually harassed, assaulted and raped her best friend 2 years ago (was it 2 years ago?)
  16. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I was listening to her this morning omw to work and now I feel terrible about it. I was listening to Tag You're It too. What a fucking horrible person. Especially how she comes off as shy-just-wanna-be-myself. No wonder she's friends with that disgusting Yunglolita. Disgusting horrible people who abuse people and support sexual abuse. I don't know what to do now
  17. Ultra Violet

    Song vs. Song

    Million Dollar Man vs. Salvatore
  18. I think Blue Velvet is the only cover that's been worth it (the other woman is good but I still prefer UV without it) but it would make more sense if it were a stand alone single and not on Paradise yeah
  19. Ultra Violet


    Just found this from 2009 Its actually really good and reminds me of Evanescence (ex-guitarist of Evanescence actually produced her previous work), and its just insane to think that she could have become big as a gothic-sort-of singer instead of teaming up with Grimes to become to dream-pop princess she is today? I'd love her either way tbh
  20. It's too fucking hot here and its only the first month of summer but just because its the season that I usually go out the most, then yes agreed Do you agree that parents should stop being more lenient on the younger child or just treat siblings fairly and equally in general?
  21. Ultra Violet

    Song vs. Song

    13 Beaches vs. Pawn Shop blues
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