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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. Yes she was so freaking cute in that insta video where she was reading outside. Thats kinda why i loved the Honeymoon aesthetic, but in some parts of the MTWBT video the bangs growing out were atrocious
  2. Someone already suggested it meant time is up and weve changed to the new era now. i just forgot to add it
  3. Dark Paradise Demo 1 > Dark Paradise Demo 2 > Dark Paradise (BTD)
  4. Ultra Violet

    Song vs. Song

    Maha Maha vs. Strange Love
  5. Art Deco 32 Salvatore 89 The Blackest Day 50
  6. ROUND Nº1 - GROUP 13 Freak - 20 Cruel World - 13 + Art Deco - 7 - ROUND Nº1 - GROUP 15 The Other Woman - 7 - Serial Killer - 16 + Young & Beautiful - 15
  7. soo true, i really hope we get as much out of this era as we did for Paradise. A 10 minute music video with a monologue (unlike the Freak video), short film, other little soundtracks like the tropico credits...
  8. the thought is making me shiver in delight that sounds creepy af
  9. ROUND Nº1 - GROUP 13 Freak - 20 Cruel World - 12 + Art Deco - 8 - ROUND Nº1 - GROUP 15 The Other Woman - 6 - Serial Killer - 16 + Young & Beautiful - 16
  10. I like the depth you went into, but i dont think the way she used the word 'Tuesday' can relate to what you're saying at this point. "Now don’t get me wrong, I love to dip my toe into the muck and the mires of the city every now and then, especially on Tuesdays" I'm just not seeing how we can make such an assumption after such little context here. No symbolism occurred in the video when she said that line really, except her smiling. You could be right, but we will find out anyway.
  11. Youre not meant to vote on a round when theres just 2 songs left ROUND Nº1 - GROUP 5 - ROUND OVER The Blackest Day - 19 Sad Girl - 25 ROUND Nº1 - GROUP 13 Freak - 22 Cruel World - 11 Art Deco - 9 ROUND Nº1 - GROUP 15 The Other Woman - 8 Serial Killer - 14 Young & Beautiful - 17
  12. ROUND Nº1 - GROUP 5 The Blackest Day - 17 + Florida Kilos - 0 - Sad Girl - 25 ROUND Nº1 - GROUP 13 Freak - 23 Cruel World - 10 + Art Deco - 9 - ROUND Nº1 - GROUP 15 The Other Woman - 9 - Serial Killer - 14 + Young & Beautiful - 16
  13. I just looked, but its very hard to tell. theres definitely our sun, moon and saturn. the others dont look exactly like those seven though Whats this?
  14. Updated the first post: Look at the image of the 7 planets here (scroll down the page), and look at the planets she has in her video. Notice they are the EXACT same? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ https://twitter.com/LanaDelRey/status/834964849264205825 So what are the things that have happened on these dates so far? first one was website update, what else do we think? Elaborate? is this like voting day?
  15. That sounds amazing Btw I'm going to update the first post soon with all the speculations I have missed. I'm just on my phone and can't till I get home
  16. It's not a random scientific discovery. Why would lana tweet about it if it doesn't mean a lot to her. The chimera pig too? I think it also has something to do with her music. I can't wait to find out!
  17. Also seven planets could be the 7 nasa recently discovered. I'll add that later Oh sorry just saw this!
  18. Yum That's what I originally thought, but I dont really see the point of having it there if it's just to 'mix it together'.if that was all it is, she could have done it way cooler like stirring her pot with her finger like in harry potter, rather than having an actual whisk go in with everything else. We'll find out anyway ahaha
  19. OOPS this is why u dont trust wikipedia (it wasnt listed in the quick info on the side-tab)
  20. He's not with Chimera music tho. are there any other clues in the trailer?
  21. Never heard of it but its interesting, especially the bands who have come from there. Any information about Lana being connected to there? has she performed there? OR could she collab with anyone who started there??
  22. @Arcadia ? or was she just in support of the theory? idk Probably, i also thought it could be because a phone is a way to channel information, and shes channeling her thoughts to us with this album
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