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  1. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Mileena in TROPICO ANALYSIS   
    This is why I go on this site every day.
  2. Mileena liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Tropico EP Available to Download   
    Body Electric
    #11 Russia #13 Poland #20 Romania #20 Turkey #23 Chile #23 Sweden #24 Brazil #27 Peru #28 Finland #31 Ecuador #35 Mexico #36 Spain #41 Argentina #54 Luxembourg #55 Italy #64 Germany #68 Ireland #82 Bulgaria #91 Austria #93 United Kingdom #98 Netherlands #99 Norway #100 Lithuania #101 Colombia #104 France #108 United States #111 Switzerland #114 Canada #141 Bulgaria #176 Cyprus #180 Belgium #187 South Africa #222 Denmark     Global Queen
  3. Mileena liked a post in a topic by iTsound in Tropico EP Available to Download   
    Some charts of Body Electric in Europe.
    #40 Body Electric - Spain
    #70 Body Electric - Germany
    #99 Body Electric - UK
  4. Mileena liked a post in a topic by VegasBaby in Tropico EP Available to Download   
    wont be buying it because it seems like a cheap move and i really didnt like the 'film'. but i hope it raises her profile on there (based on the songs at least)

  5. MermaidTrailerHeaven liked a post in a topic by Mileena in TROPICO ANALYSIS   
    This is why I go on this site every day.
  6. Mileena liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in TROPICO ANALYSIS   
  7. Mileena liked a post in a topic by Hellish in TROPICO ANALYSIS   
    I think everyone needs to calm down. This was not meant to win an academy award or change the world based on its flawless script and plot-line.

    This was supposed to be visually captivating, and let us see what Lana saw when she was writing Born To Die and Paradise.

  8. Mileena liked a post in a topic by whitman in TROPICO ANALYSIS   
    Tropico it's just like what she said: it's an surrealistic project, you just need a little imagination to fully enjoy it. I really liked how they used the songs as dialogues to make the story move forward and it really works mostly of the time, but on the other hand I think the poems were kinda unecessary  sometimes- because they summarize all what the  images represent and since this is supposedly cinema it's completely redudant. It doesn't really bothers me since the themes she works through the movie are not that easy to represent visually, just like she said it was the best she could do.
  9. Mileena liked a post in a topic by SweetLikeCinnamon in TROPICO ANALYSIS   
    I don't get why people are saying it lacked a plot line. It was rather obvious to me,  for the most part lol. They fell from grace, hard, and did a bunch of dumb shit. Then they repented, hence the baptism scenes and then the end does get kinda sketchy. I don't get the whole alien thing. They should have just floated it up into a bright light and the the who scene fades to black. 
    I would have liked the film to be more intense tbh. I think a murder scene or scenes of them doing hardcore drugs would have made it more intense during G&M. Then the lead up to Bel Air could have been them trying to live a better life but some shit happens and they both die or are killed by whatever, and the Bel Air scenes could have been like a Limbo between earth and heaven, and after she is done singing they float up to heaven, into a bright light, instead of some alien spaceships....idk.
    I still think it is better than Ride tbh. 
  10. Mileena liked a post in a topic in TROPICO ANALYSIS   
    Shout outs to  @ for mentioning Whitman's "The Children of Adam" as possible inspiration for the plot.
    Walt Whitman's "Children of Adam" - Analysis
    A group of fifteen poems in the 1860 version of Leaves of Grass was entitled Enfans d'Adam. In 1867, these poems, after a few changes, were retitled Children of Adam. In the 1892 edition, the group consists of sixteen poems.
    The major themes of Children of Adam are procreation and physical love between man and woman. The themes are dealt with through imagery rich in Christian tradition. Whitman uses many Christian concepts in his own unique way to express his individual precepts for mankind.
    Fundamental to Christian belief is the story of the Fall of Man, interpreted either literally or symbolically. Adam and Eve, falling prey to Satan's temptation, disobeyed the divine command and ate the forbidden fruit of knowledge. This act of disobedience resulted in Original Sin, the inheritance of humanity. Man is therefore a born sinner, and his only hope of salvation lies in the grace of God, attained through Jesus Christ.
    Whitman reverses this traditional Christian tenet. He asserts that it is not Adam but Adam's children who have really lost the Garden of Eden. Adam's children can regain this lost paradise not by denying the flesh, which had been a Puritan belief, but by accepting it. Man will then be reborn through this glorification of his body, for the human body is as sacred as the spirit. Thus, man is not born debased as a result of Original Sin. He should be proud of his heritage and of the "Adamic" in him.
    The theme of procreation in these poems was revolutionary at the time of their first publication. Whitman thinks that procreation is a creative act, an act of spiritual regeneration. Man finds fulfillment in sex and should thus rejoice in it, for it is only through physical love that man can take his place in the cycle of life. And it is only through spiritual regeneration that man can complete his quest — and the full, uninhibited experience of sex is seen as the first step to spiritual regeneration.
    Everything. Makes. So. Much. Sense. NOW!
  11. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Mileena in TROPICO ANALYSIS   
    YES. That's EXACTLY how I viewed it. High five, bro. 
  12. wolfy liked a post in a topic by Mileena in TROPICO ANALYSIS   
    YES. That's EXACTLY how I viewed it. High five, bro. 
  13. Mileena liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Favorite Scene from Tropico?   
    Def Lana in the trailer when she's drinking coke from the liter and putting the peas on her head to cool down lol. It was cute
    o yea and i like the little lambies awww
  14. Mileena liked a post in a topic by Adrift in Favorite Scene from Tropico?   
    I LIVE for the re-enactment of her trailer life, they got it down to the Christmas lights.
  15. Mileena liked a post in a topic in TROPICO ANALYSIS   
    I see it like this:
    The Garden of Eden = Paradise = L.A. (the way she expected it to be)
    Lana said that The Garden of Eden turned into the Garden of Evil, which is the Land of Gods and Monsters, which is L.A.
    Remember the line in "Radio" where she sings: "Now I'm in LA and it's Paradise"
    I think the Garden of Eden represents the way Lana imagined it Hollywood/LA to be with Marilyn, Elvis, etc. all being part of it.
    She looses her innocent and childish view of it as soon as she's confronted with the truth, she basically took a bite of the truth. Her eyes were opened.
  16. Mileena liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in TROPICO ANALYSIS   
    Tropico is the most intense thing i have watched in a while
    Like wow
    & Why does lana always have to make things i shouldnt do with my life look appealing
    e.g. working the silver pole

  17. Mileena liked a post in a topic by getdrunk in TROPICO ANALYSIS   
    There was no Marylin, Elvis, John in the Bible either, was there? Not everything has to be just like in the bible. 
  18. Mileena liked a post in a topic by Go Go Dancer in TROPICO ANALYSIS   
  19. Mileena liked a post in a topic by Summersault in TROPICO ANALYSIS   
    Just a quick conspiracy..
    In one of the trailer park scenes she places a bag of frozen veggies on her head.
    Could it mean that her guy hit her? 
    I mean a lot of the scenes from Tropico are similar to the lyrics of Hundred Dollar Bill with Jimmys ultra violent swings, ya dig?
  20. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by Mileena in Tropico Premiere on Vevo   
    Nevermind, I'll throw my own Tropico party bash at my house with food
  21. Philomene liked a post in a topic by Mileena in Kitty   
    Also known as Kitty Pryde. She's a dope rapper and she's a cute ginger
  22. Mileena liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Tropico Premiere on Vevo   
    yes bae 

    i'm gonna go get fried chicken and waffles at roscoes before i try and grab another ticket lmao 
  23. Mileena liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in Tropico Premiere on Vevo   
    I dont think you needed to bore me with the entire paragraph on touring.
    A simple summary would have done it just as well. 
      jesus christ. 
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