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Everything posted by Demian

  1. I don't why are people so obsessed with her 'drug use' in past. When I think about it, I really don't care if she was a crack whore doing bj so she could get fixed. Ok, maybe that was a bit too far. Only thing I care about it that she's clean now and I hope she'll stay that way. Who cares what she did when she was younger.
  2. I was wondering about that. Oh, well, at least we have it - I don't care if he has it on his album or not, tbh.
  3. Demian

    Song vs. Song

    Radio Dum Dum vs. Heavy Hitter
  4. Demian

    Live DVD

    Maybe someday when her playlist gets longer. I would really love to hear her sing the old stuff and to include songs from the last two records that were never performed live.
  5. I still can't get over the fact that we didn't get the official 'Off to the Races' video.
  6. I think it's best if that album stays as it is. I'm sure I would love to hear the new versions, but I kinda doubt I would like them more than the originals. I'm not too keen on song remakes unless they are done years after the original release.
  7. I don't really like those fan base names. They always sound kinda dumb and makes them look like 13 year olds.
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