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Everything posted by Demian

  1. Same. I can't wait for the new season, plus seeing Kathy Bates and Jessica together - goosebumps.
  2. Demian

    Tan Mom

    I can't decide if this is the gayest or the scariest thing I've ever seen.
  3. I can't help but feel kinda fascinated by Amanda Bynes behavior. I don't know why, I know that's not something to joke about 'cause that girl obviously lost it, she snapped or whatever, but...I don't know. It's like watching one of those awful cheesy movies and you know they are trashy but you wanna see the ending of it. Small part of me thinks this is one of those mastermind plans to become the biggest celebrity troll/wreck just for fun of it or just to see how will people react to her, like some secret social experiment. And if that's true, girl deserves an Oscar for it. If not, I hope she gets help, I really loved her movies (again, cheesy stuff but you gotta love her in it) and I always thought she's so sweet, down to earth and funny.
  4. Demian


    I still remember the day I first heard it, it was right after she performed it live for the first time. I even think video didn't have the title, it just said new song. It was also the first song I played after BTD got out. And even though I know she has more powerful songs, this one just gets me all the time.
  5. offtopic: Probably my least favorite song by her. Old stuff is so much better.
  6. It sounds interesting because of her voice and it's not as bad as Cheryl's 'Ghetto Baby', but I hope Lana won't continue selling her old stuff. Her voice gives soul to those songs even when they are left in that demo/ pre-production state.
  7. I love it and I was really surprised by this choice for a new video. Speaking of covers, I made one from original 'Ride' cover and the other one that was later edited, but I think that this font and color fits better with the picture.
  8. Best song ever: Asshole I've kinda lost track of them, but their old stuff is amazing. This song gave me life at one point.
  9. I know, but people hear what they wanna hear.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8jf6PdFF_4
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vt3Zh48FIWM
  12. Demian

    My Boyfriend is Gay

    This is so gay and I mean all three definitions.
  13. Demian


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sit7u3KE4qA It cracks me whenever I play it.
  14. Demian


    One of the best records this year.
  15. This is probably one of my favorite shoots so far. She looks amazing.
  17. Demian


    Pure love.
  18. Well, I didn't say I dislike it. It's just my least favorite from Paradise. But to be honest, it's starting grow on me more and more.
  19. Demian


    I like her. Her first album was brilliant, but I think '21' is a bit overrated. Not saying it's bad - I love that record too, but compared to the first album it is. I don't get it why people all of a sudden hate her. I mean, I get it, EVERYONE kept posting 'Someone like you' until our ears started to bleed from the song and all the jokes about it, but it's not her fault. I still like her. And I love her sense of humor. She's so funny without trying to be.
  20. This is so cool. I love reading stuff like this.
  21. I'm so happy she won it again. I only wish she wore something more flattering to her lovely body, this outfit is just wrong and I can't imagine anyone pulling it off.
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