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The Missing Shade of Blue

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Everything posted by The Missing Shade of Blue

  1. It's 1am for me. Gonna go sleep for like 12 hours so I can hopefully wake up to a teensy shred of news
  2. How are some of us forgetting the virtue of patience when we went through the absolute torture of waiting for NFR for over a year ??
  3. I initially thought for like a year or so that Bel Air went: "I don't have roses. I can't exalt." instead of "Idol of roses, iconic soul." Apparently I didn't think that her singing just one word with a British accent was an issue
  4. Peppers is in the top 5 of my pre-emptive ranking for Ocean Blvd, which is based on nothing but vibes SO YES I NEED PEPPERS IMMEDIATELY
  5. Go king give us nothing (this is a joke I exist off every single crumb and morsel Neil gives us)
  6. I don't blame them, by the time they released this video NFR had been delayed for the billionth time
  7. Was the instrumental at the end of the Tropico vid originally recorded during the Tropico sessions and repurposed for the short film?
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