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Everything posted by Madrigal

  1. I missed this!!! I've been listening to it again lately, after SPIN named it one of their top 50 records of 2012. Alison's voice is really something. :3 Get some, and post a picture! I love how they associate them with childhood innocence.
  2. Exactly. David Kahne did the second version, leaked by CalendarGirl in early 2011. The FIRST version (if you want to, a ""demo"") was online previously in the form of MQ video rips. Also, "My Best Days" and "You & Me" are totally sisters. So are "Paradise" and "Serial Killer."
  3. Madrigal

    Purity Ring

    They're really incredible. I've been obsessed with "Fineshrine" since I got it free from iTunes, and (sadly) am only just now getting really into their stuff. I'm obsessed with their perfect bleeps and bloops!!!! Like you said, Fluorine, the album works best as one listen--like Pitchfork said, it's a work that builds upon itself.
  4. Sounds good. I would be super happy if Regina won. I'm honestly surprised by their selection...Amanda Palmer is there, and so is Beth Ditto! Lots of names I don't recognize, too... Here are some thoughts: They really need to choose more flattering pictures for their people. Their picture of that girl from The XX is horrid! She looks like a corpse. I have never before thought of Fiona as 'hot,' but she's definitely beautiful. Same thing with Annie / St. Vincent--they're both gorgeous, but I don't think of them as 'hot' in any extent of the word. They look too delicate. I don't listen to Grimes, but the picture of her here makes her look like an elf who hasn't seen the light of day in several months. As much as I try, I cannot think of Bat For Lashes as beautiful. She just looks too... distinctive. I don't listen to her, but I respect her musicianship. Solange on here too? I think it's a bit cruel to pit sisters against eachother. Feist....she's like Fiona & Annie to me, I think. Too rugged to fit the 'hot' category, but beautiful nonetheless. Kate Nash could win a 'cute' contest, but again, she's too girrrrrrly for me to reconcile her to 'hot-' ness. The picture they chose to represent Karen (O) is almost as bad as the one for The XX girl, but I still think she deserves a shot. She's been making music longer that 3/5 of the girls up for vote, and can still perform with more energy than most.
  5. Madrigal

    Break My Fall

    "Out there?" It didn't leak until several months after the release of A Million Lights. Yes, a few people might have had it (emphasis on few), but it had not been made widely available online for everyone to hear.
  6. This is absurd. Am I voting for whom I think "hottest," or whose lyrics are best, or whom has the best sales, or can tie her shoes the fastest, or whom can eat the most ice cream in an hour, or whom can write the best melodies? I'm gonna stick with beauty, here...and I'm definitely not giving Lana ten stars. Not when Marina & Regina are on this list...and c'mon people! Beyonce too! Lana doesn't have a chance. Just looked at the selection again...wow. Ellie and Little Boots should not be here. Little Boots is cute, for sure, but I don't think "hot" is a good way to describe her. Regardless of musicianship, Ellie is not "hot." I am pleased to see Santi here, though.
  7. Madrigal

    Break My Fall

    Skot & Ahmed. In addition, I have seen some reliable scrobbles for Diana's version on Last.fm--I firmly believe it has already been recorded. Whether or not it gets released has yet to be determined.
  8. It's not...I put "Motel Six" after the elipses because even though an acapella version leaked, all the evidence points to a separately recorded final version, with actual production.
  9. Madrigal

    Yeah Yeah Yeahs

    Yeah...I hope I can find it eventually. </3 Anyway, isn't this just the perfect YYYs signature? I wish I could find one with Brian, but this one is still gorgeous. And I recently watched the "Pin" video again--it's incredible! I love the animation.
  10. Madrigal

    Regina Spektor

    It's my personal favourite, even though it still feels kinda short. Begin to Hope is a very close second fave, though--Davey is a fantastic record maker Also, the more I listen to 11:11, the more I fall in love with it. :3
  11. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The live videos are great. I hope it's out soon....she told a friend of mine December, but so far no sign of it. Pretty sure. She cracks me up, t.b.h.
  12. I don't know exactly where to put this, but it's so funny/pathetic/etc. that I felt I had to post it somewhere. I agree with the majority of her(?) sentiments, but I feel like the state of her understanding concerning Miss Grant's other material is laughable. :[ #mixedfeelz
  13. Madrigal

    Yeah Yeah Yeahs

    Did we ever hear anything about Karen's solo record after 2005/6? Squeak E. Clean mentioned that he was producing it, but he also said that Show Your Bones was gonna be based off the life of a cat named "Coco Beware." Also, I don't know how many of you (besides Sitar, ofc) know about Unitard, but the one song we have from them is adorable. It was an acoustic duo made of Karen & Nick before the YYYs were officially formed, and they have an eight track album/EP that is notoriously hard to find.
  14. Because Lana is confused about her own age, and we naturally assume some aspects of their lyrics to force them to be younger.
  15. Madrigal

    Yeah Yeah Yeahs

    *Sigh* I wish it was an even more splendid affair, but I'm glad we finally got it. :3 "Never Enough" is a great track, and I saw via BMI she already has a lot more in waiting...hopefully we won't have to wait another four years.
  16. Madrigal

    Yeah Yeah Yeahs

    Aw, forgiven. :3 I much prefer friendz to enemies, anyway. It's just a stupid game. Like SitR said, Is Is is a fantastic EP. That's what EPs should be--a group of songs that represent their own body of work, brilliantly brought together & perfectly executed. None of this two-songs-and-a-remix nonsense I see all over the place these days. It's so dark, too! The album art really works with the songs as to how they appear in my head. Lol b/c I used to feel the same way about it + "Shame and Fortune." But knowing that Greg Kurstin plays the piano on it made me like it tons more, and "Shame and Fortune" grew on me just because it deserves recognition! I just wish It's Blitz was longer...it feels to me like it deserves to be an even more magnificent album. I KNOW!!!!!!!! I was so happy when it was finally on the album...I listened to the LQ "leak" for months.
  17. Madrigal

    Yeah Yeah Yeahs

    I was gonna hate you forever for trying to destroy "Raise Me Up," but you're almost redeemed. Let me just cut out all the bits here where you're wrong, and it's all good. ^_^ FIFY.
  18. Madrigal

    Yeah Yeah Yeahs

    NEW FAVOURITE BAND!!!!!!!! I would say favourite overall, but I'm not sure--is Florence really a band? She's a mess. I just love their stuff so much. I've been listening to It's Blitz since last year, and I have loved it almost as long, but only very recently have I started to immerse myself in their entire discography. "Cheated Hearts" is my favourite from them now, but "Faces" is probably my all-time favourite YYYs track. From the opening sizzle synths to the closing chords, it's just the perfect exp ression of exasperated, frenzied dance floor luv. I also love the extremes they take to re-invent themselves every album. I know it throws some fans off, and to be honest I had no interest in their older stuff for months because I knew it was so different, but overall the effect is astounding. Just look at them! Karen looks so dangerous + qt, Nick is all standoffish and creyzy looking, and then Brian's all serious-'n'-stuff.
  19. Madrigal

    Regina Spektor

    Thanks! I actuallly found all the things I listed, but thanks for the offer. :3 Unless you have "Romeo..." that's the one song I can't find anywhere.
  20. I firmly believe it's "Money Hunny," perhaps with "Fordham Road" a follow-up.
  21. Madrigal


    I was afraid of that. But the record overall is still good, right?
  22. Wait...what? I can say a song is from whenever I want, but it doesn't change the truth about it's recording date.
  23. Kill Kill 4 Queen Of The Gas Station 20 For K Part 2 40 Mermaid Motel 43 Raise Me Up 20 Yayo 29
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