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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. Never Let Me Go gives me a feeling of comfort since it describes the sweet side of a relationship, and she seems so devoted in that song. It's so cute how she dreams about the life they could have.
  2. Creyk

    The Weeknd

    You can listen to False Alarm here if you didn't find it yet http://www.complex.com/music/2016/09/the-weeknd-new-song-false-alarm I think it's really good
  3. Creyk

    Lady Gaga

    So was she in for more than 4 seconds this time? I'm scared to look at that show at this point, I watched a 1:30 snippet last week and that was horrible
  4. Creyk

    Lady Gaga

    This didn't receive a new comment in 3 days Why are you guys not discussing her new era
  5. It's not that they have secret insider info, it's just that they get their lyrics wrong, it happens with the simple google lyrics search too sometimes. All they should do is take them from trusted lyrics sites like azilirycs but that would probably be a lot of work so some kind of machine/program does it and that's why small mistakes like this occur sometimes.
  6. Creyk

    Tove Lo

    We don't really know they just randomly appeared online, I think 2 days ago?
  7. Creyk

    Tove Lo

    The album preview for the first chapter is out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ajj0wOW0MiY
  8. I love this album so much. I can't imagine my life without the songs Religion, God Knows I Tried, Salvatore, The Blackest Day in it. I just listen to them so much, but this album has so many highlights. Terrence Loves You is absolutely beautiful with a carreer-defining bridge, and Swan Song is very different. This album might not be her best but it's still pretty damn good.
  9. New hairstyle! New era incoming! She must be getting ready for the next album photoshoot
  10. Creyk

    Britney Spears

    Man on the moon is the best song on Glory. Ring is great, so much better than Awful Delusion and it's just a japanese bonus track not a lead single
  11. Creyk

    Book Thread!

    It was very riveting.
  12. Creyk


    Thanks for this Cute little song
  13. Creyk

    Lady Gaga

    I agree that it is much better. The song originally leaked through a youtube video in 128 kbps, so you can just rip it from anywhere the quality will be the same.
  14. Creyk

    Lady Gaga

    Apparently it will be out in 2,5 hours because bulgaria will make it available on their spotify as soon as it's midnight at them? Which, then as it seems is in 2,5 hours? Did someone hear about this. Although I don't know how much can we depend on these bulgarian fans to share/spread links anyway.
  15. Creyk

    Lady Gaga

    The snippet makes it seem like the song will be lovely.
  16. Creyk

    Lady Gaga

    So do you think this single cover suggests more dance-pop music?
  17. Creyk

    Lady Gaga

    More songs like Manicure?
  18. What are you talking about? It's 1 hour left now. Or am I crazy.
  19. Creyk

    Steven Universe

    This show is really good I love it. Peridot is the funniest. From the main trio I like Amethyst the most but all 4 are likeable and cool imo. Pearl is so funny the way she overreacts things sometimes Who can't relate to this
  20. I honestly don't care who she works for, the fact is Lana has great taste and the final product will be perfect, she could work with Pitbull and I'd probably still love what they come up with in the end.
  21. OMG this will be so amazing If only she did more interesting setlists for you to document
  22. Woo the dedication is real
  23. Creyk

    Britney Spears

    This is better than what we got
  24. This, it wasn't posted and like, what was the closing song?
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