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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. I'm interested in the lyrical analysis too...although this might be an unpopular opinion, I wouldn't mind if her themes stayed the same and sang about daddies/pale moonlight etc. again. I like how it creates unity in her discography
  2. Creyk

    Song vs. Song

    Hollywoods Dead Vs In the sun (no specific reason for the gif but isn't he adorable? )
  3. As someone mentioned the way she sings it is similar to OTTR live version, but to me it also has a melancholic undertone. If it was OTTR 2.0., I'd be okay with that tbh
  4. When we hear it on Monday, what we will have to keep in mind is: - Is it dark(er than BTD/Paradise) - Is it spiritual - Is it unlistenable - Is it majestic - Is it beautiful -Where are the Spanish guitars? And the most important: -Just how slayed are we? :defeated:
  5. No kidding, even before I checked what you quoted me for your username gave me a slight feeling of disgust for a moment. It's not you, It's the guy tho....
  6. I don't know. The vocal delivery seemed a bit melancholic so it could be a sad song, but everyone was screaming too much. Have to wait till monday to determine just how epic this is gonna be
  7. Creyk

    April 11 - Las Vegas

    Oh wow...I just..I don't think I have ever heard someone say that
  8. OMG! Those lyrics are amazing! :crying: This is gonna be so epic y'all I'll have to hang out with the topiary horse so the weekend passes fast and I can listen!!!
  9. Since there is so much hype I'm sure it will be rush-uploaded in LQ like, minutes after the performance so we can all feast on it It will be beautiful
  10. This will be the best 5AM wake-up time of my life!
  11. Down on the West Coast, They got a sayin' All my shit's totally leaking So yeah, we'll definitely hear it soon
  12. She could use the promo opportunity and sing West Coast or something....this is televised right?
  13. Do you think this will be in a weird format too like Tropico was?
  14. Why tho? Like, what is wrong with putting in a few extra songs for the fans?
  15. You know if you feel asleep you could just wake up to it and wouldn't have to wait ... Anyway, if not today, it's this week anyway I'm sure. But will it come with the Music video? I think not, if it was shot only a few days ago
  16. I'm here for 18 or more tracks. Not here for that quality over quantity bullshit we all know all tracks are gonna be great and that's just a fact. (Unless she decides to put Moie Joue on the album but well, I have faith in her ) The more music we get the better, who knows how long until the next leak or the next album release, we need this!
  17. If it's been sent to radio they can't wait for long now. Hopefully we'll get to heart it within 1-2 days. She should premiere it on some big show, too bad there isn't anything major happening right now...
  18. Is he being annoying on purpose now?
  19. I wonder how long editing is gonna take this time....
  20. Creyk

    Song vs. Song

    Summer Wine Vs West Coast (IDC we didn't hear it before, even the title slays )
  21. I think it comes on April 8th. Can't wait :excited:
  22. Paradise is my fave, because each song is perfect. There just is not a bad thing on that album. Also I don't get the bitching about the production, the instrumentals work fine and they are pretty unique, like, American's instrumental is nothing like I heard before. The second is Born To Die, because listening to it as a whole album is just such a nice experience. I love how it's thematically correct, and the songs are awesome. Then Aka, I like all songs here but I never listened to this as an album, just the songs separately. Quiet now/From The End are last, simply because I only like about 70% of the songs, while on the other albums I love all of them.
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