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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. These lyrics are amazing, I can relate so much.
  2. Creyk

    Song vs. Song

    Bel Air has been brought up so many times in the last 3 pages. What's up with that Pawn Shop Blues Vs Bel Air (sorry I had to )
  3. It will obviously slay. I mean, this is Lana we are talking about. Even her unreleased songs and stuff she made while being drunk or high as f*uck are great and we love it. I'm sure those polished tracks with the help of such experts will produce something amazing. I'm just a bit concerned about how radio-friendly it will be, because well, it would just be so great if she was #1 and slay the charts because then she would get a lot more interviews and performances and we could see more of her. But well, I learned to not expect things like this from her...
  4. She probably thinks of it as a treacherous, faraway and glamorous place but not more than that
  5. OMG I saw there were 5 new pages and I actually thought something happened (yes I was hoping for a leak)
  6. That is so cute! The Orchestral version really is cool, I only listen to it when I watch the Music Video (because I'm addicted to the drums in the studio version ) and It always sounds like a different song.
  7. OMG really this, how could I forget. Chet Baker is so cute, it's kind of like a lullaby how she is trying to make that boy sing. It's a classic
  8. I like that the Votes are pretty close, just shows that both songs are really good. And wow, I'm happy I'm not the only one who recognized how great her voice is in OUAD
  9. That should happen tbh And since it would be you, you could pick any awesome song from her discography Here for that epic Delicious live performance!
  10. "Tell me all the things you wanna do"
  11. Lana did 2 songs for movies so far, which one do you prefer and why? Which is better? Y&B has brilliant lyrics, and a fantastic video. Lana said this is the best song she has ever written. The live performances are lovely, and it's easy to relate to the song (well, if you're hot ) On the other hand Once Upon a Dream is the cover of a Disney classic, the production is interesting and the vocal delivery is really different from Lana's other songs. Also, this is the latest *official* song we got from her. Which do you like more and why? Vote & share!
  12. I find her love of daddies cute so Cola and YCBTB hands down
  13. Creyk

    Lady Gaga

    The best thing about Roseland: Kind of good quality, full: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSGhk0BeKqY
  14. She's in love with _a_ dying man
  15. Push Me Down is her most sexual song to me, I mean, you can do what you want, whatever it is Also Burning Desire is a really seductive song specially with that great video she's so beautiful in it
  16. It depends on how you look at it...for me it's a really hopeful, calming song. Perfect to listen to in the morning when you're not ready to just really get up yet
  17. Creyk

    Song vs. Song

    WTF that's hard Burning Desire Vs Put me in a movie
  18. Hmm, it's so weird that we hear from everyone but Lana. Come on pretty baby say something....
  19. Creyk

    Lady Gaga

    You know something is wrong when the Applause video is better than, well, any music video out there I love Gaga but that video was a mess, GUY was okay, it had some good moments
  20. This album will probably receive heavier promotion (if her label can make her )
  21. Oh wow, I always mistook Never Let Me Go as a happy song but so many mentioned it...silly me
  22. Money Hunny is just so depressing I literally listened to it 2 times and the deleted it from my computer, I don't need that in my life! YBIATR is what makes me cry otherwise I don't think BTD is sad, at least it's not to me...it's just a beautiful calm song How are Angels Forever and Backfire sad? O.o
  23. Come on guys STOP anticipating! We don't get anything until May 1 or later, for sure
  24. For first I heard Video Games on MTV and I remember that I was like "wtf this channel plays such random, lame music" and I found that Lana looked really weird, like a poor person. It was kind of memorable but didn't bother with it. A lot later, I randomly clicked on the BTD video on youtube and watched it. I found the song totally boring, but she was just so beautiful it totally enchanted me and I went back for days and days just to watch the video so that I could be looking at her. As I heard the song again and again I got into it and quickly became obsessed because of her unique sound. I was like: quick I need more, MORE!!!! I found Blue Jeans and also Mermaid motel on youtube (I remember the original Mermaid Motel upload only had 6000 views at the time, now it has millions) and for a long time I only had those 3 songs by her but they sounded so good I listened to them over and over again.
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