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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. They sure can't make up their minds about what to use.... This new version is like a brand new song altogether At first I thought It was a promotional snippet of Cruel World or something
  2. Did you notice that Maleficient premieres on May 28, also when Lana's tour ends (maybe she could somehow magically show up at the premiere and do something), and the album is out just a couple of days later? Maybe they will use the buzz from OUAD and the movie as part of the promotion for UV. It could happen, The Great Gatsby gave a nice boost to Y&B.
  3. Only shows that if Lana got more exposure (Radio airplay) she would effortlessly slay
  4. OMFG why are people so mean in this thread? The suspense is messing up this community!
  5. That's it you better stan (really nice pics in the article btw )
  6. They almost never post their sources to seem more exclusive. However, I have been following them for a long time and they are not lying
  7. Don't even go there 17+ songs are a MUST Although I won't have a problem with 22
  8. https://twitter.com/LanaBoards/status/461154698134044672
  9. So, she is doing tracklisting now and she has too many songs..OMG Lana don't you learn they will leak anyway! Just put them all out, maybe a deluxe edition with like, 30 tracks? I'm happy that she was lying about her muse not coming to her anymore. Thank god, I need lots of songs by her in my life If she doesn't perform well, Interscope will drop her sooner or later. Is that what you want? Because I don't....
  10. Creyk

    Song vs. Song

  11. Specially that they do this for a living You would think they know what they are doing
  12. These twink jokes were boring 10 years ago and they haven't improved since But hey at least we have a release date
  13. It's obviously coming on May 1 in 4 days as a surprise release tho :mj2: :mj2: :mj2:
  14. When Lorde stans annoy you because she was mean to the Queen
  15. Well what did you expect boo, she has always had short sets. Like at the Hackney weekend, her show was half as long as other performers for example.
  16. Thanks Ah I see, she learned, she doesn't read about herself anymore. Good. Katy Perry does that too, she says "Out of sight, out of mind". It really is a better approach than being torn apart by people who just don't get how perfect she is.
  17. You forgot the Young & Beautiful video and Burning Desire Body Electric only has the Tropico video
  18. It's just too good they can't decide which one to go with
  19. Maybe it comes tomorrow because it will be weekend and they want more people to watch it
  20. Only a few, but now you made me pretty curious....
  21. I wonder if WC is a standout track on UV, or more of an average one
  22. You're right, she really could be huge. This makes me think of what she said about the grammies...how she didn't attend because she is "not good with big events like that". It might be her shyness which is keeping her back, but it's obvious she does NOT want to be big. I mean come on, SS went top 10 without any promo on her part...and also she barely uses twitter or her instagram even though we know she is being photographed all the time. She doesn't really communicate with her fanbase either, only in person. It's just the way she is I guess....I agree that I wish she was huge, because then we would get dozens and dozens of photoshoots, interviews, and we could hear her on the radio more often too.
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