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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. I find it pretty weird that this was a 90-minute interview, yet about half of the article is not even new info, in fact, there is hardly anything new in this. Did they just casually chat about Lana's spaghetti eating habits or what? (And if they did, why isn't that included )
  2. What? Ultraviolence is my fave because of those freakin flawless lyrics! I love them so much they are perfect I mean, come on: He hit me and it felt like a kiss I can hear violins, violins and also, this flawless line Heaven is on earth I would do anything for you, babe
  3. I'm getting super tense from excitement. Can't wait!
  4. OMFG I'm so happy Thank you Lana God Rey I love you so much
  5. It depends with Taylor. Does her stanbase stick with her? Like, lots of Britney fans outgrew her for example. You're right, her songs are easy to relate to, she has the looks, she is a touring force, if she can keep her fans and even expand it (which shouldn't be a problem to her, she is easily likeable, although she could use more radio support) I could see her sticking around for a really long time. But on a personal note, would she? She seems like the person to me who would be happy to settle down and do considerably less. And you can't just come back after missing for 6-10 years. Look at Avril, she tried and she is not getting anywhere.
  6. It's not impossible that if she doesn't do something for success she will be dropped from the label 1-2 albums later. With BTD she was new but she isn't really anymore. IDK, it also depends on how her tours do, like I heard those are the money-makers anyway And she doesn't cost Interscope much in the promotion department But she makes them pay for the music videos and doesn't put singles on her albums I don't know, I just don't know Although even if she was dropped, some indie label would latch onto her instantly right?
  7. Maybe they will ship them a bit later so they won't leak? Nah, we get the album in a week and a day, for sure
  8. She has had a lot of practice since then. She will probably nail it effortlessly
  10. This is not a big deal in this fanbase really.... Live fast, die young
  11. OMG one of her singles actually gets promo performances AND airplay!? I have been praying for this And it's SOON too!
  12. So I guess that name should tell me something, but it doesn't
  13. I love how liking older men is totally common in our fanbase
  14. Aw too bad it would have been awesome
  15. Was he her dealer back in the trailer park drug days?
  16. That's understandable, and I did not mean that as a mean thing at all, I just wish we had a good version Maybe @@Viva could translate it?
  17. nnn, this really needs to be translated by someone properly, seems interesting but the mistakes are rough
  18. I do it like that too sometimes when I have that time, but when all the songs are new and I am exploring them I just have to hear the most exciting ones first Like when Lily Allen's album came out last month and everyone was praising URL Badman I rushed to that song because I was just so curious about it
  19. It's interesting to read how you are planning to listen to the album, from start to finish. When a new album comes out which I had been anticipating, I am always super thirsty and I am like SHOW ME THE BEST SONNNG NOOOOW!!!!! So I come online and read which song everyone is freaking out about, what is the song that everyone is praising, and start with that. And then go with the next song which people praise, and so it goes....So....I depend on all of you to share your opinions when we get the album
  20. I'm so lost when it comes to technicalities in music
  21. I don't even understand what the argument is about in this thread Mixing?
  22. This is the best I have found so far....at one point it goes shit, but other than that it's good quality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rh6SrqbiKeI
  23. Thanks:) I really love to listen to the combination of LO [demo] and Hollywood, it's really special to me
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