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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. Creyk


    Pepsi Cola Vs Dying in a hole
  2. I had such high hopes for Lana's lovelife THE SHATTERED DREAM
  3. She was asked about So Legit before and she blatantly denied it being about Gaga and said that press just likes to make things up, but then later said that she won't sign some kind of release which allows the article to be published if that part stays in the interview because she is not comfortable with that question. This was written recently in one of the UV critiques I think (?) So there is probably a lot more in the actual interviews than what we get to read
  4. She has other commitments right now, with festivals like Glastonbury coming up. However, after she is done and maybe had some down time, she will go on a tour for sure. I just hope she visits Australia, they love her there
  5. So this is how a tour-thread becomes seven pages long And I thought y'all were praising her continually after the magical experience she gave to you
  6. She was probably shading other people's albums
  7. Yesterday. I told him he was ugly and this just can't go on When was the last time you listened to Dayglo Reflection?
  8. Gosh why couldn't THIS ONE be 35 minutes long
  9. inb4 in her next interview she says she and Barrie are still together and they are thinking about baby names
  10. These lyrics are really hard to figure out
  11. So now it's "all gonna happen"? Can't wait for Lana to get that #1 smash hit on the Billboard hot 100 singles chart with ~Ultraviolence~ 530m AL here we come!
  12. I'm pretty sure this is a mainstream popular opinion actually
  13. Wait is that a possibility? Onto the ship(wreck)!
  14. I so feel you, happened to me with half of Born This Way But maybe you'll listen to the track in 2 years and find out that you actually kind of dig it now, that's what happened to me
  15. 2 days ago when I remembered someone I hate. I sliced his tyres back in the day but sometimes I feel that wasn't enough When was the last time you were truly happy?
  16. I find it pretty amazing that she didn't put much effort in Pretty when You Cry, just made it up on the spot, and yet it's an amazing song. Sounds great, the lyrics are fine and the vocal delivery is charming. She could just go and make up a bunch of songs in one go and feed our mad love for her for years. (What a great source of leaks that would be)
  17. Creyk

    Song vs. Song

    Oh wow I am loving all this SG love in this thread you guys! Never would have thought Well, let's not break the chain Sad Girl Vs Fucked My Way Up To The Top
  18. Hmm...I don't hate Guns And Roses that much anymore
  19. Gives some insight as to why she cancelled so many of her performances as of late. I mean when a long relationship ends it's hard to deal with, and then she'd have to also manage freaking the fuck out because of performing and being afraid of being scrutinized again. It could be a bit much. What bad timing though
  20. Could it be because of the child thing? Barrie might not be the best influence on a kid, with his dark nature and questionable hygene Hmm Hmm, who knows...
  21. Oh well. Date someone famous next plz, now you can Is George Clooney still available? He is older, and up to par with Lana's hotness....
  22. The chorus just sounds so vulnerable and fragile...it would make me uncomfortable to share that moment with random ppl who don't get it, but they hear me otherwise listening to it. Nah, lines like: bad bitch on the side and fucked my way up to the top don't bother me. It's actually kinda cool
  23. The sad thing is that UV doesn't have the loon though It would be so ~magical~
  24. Finally, we have a good quality recording of Cola Life is complete
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